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Cream Holy Family Ornament

Cream Holy Family Ornament

This Holy Family hanging ornament features the Holy Family with a cream and red background.

Madonna & Child Wood Plaque

Madonna & Child Wood Plaque

This beautiful wood plaque features Mary and Jesus.

All Creatures Great and Small Wall Cross

All Creatures Great and Small Wall Cross

The words “All creatures great and small the Lord God loves them all” is featured on this wall cross.

Holy Family Wall Plaque

Holy Family Wall Plaque

This beautiful wall plaque reflects the style of della Robbia, a famous Italian sculptor

First Communion Prayer Book - Grey

First Communion Prayer Book - Grey

A perfect prayer book for any child as they celebrate the reception of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

O Come Let Us Adore Him Art Heart

O Come Let Us Adore Him Art Heart

This Christmas Art Heart is artistically detailed and finished with a metal key and luxurious tassel.

White Nativity Lantern

White Nativity Lantern

This beautiful white lantern features the holy family.

9 Piece Traditional Folk Nativity Set

9 Piece Traditional Folk Nativity Set

This stunning and vibrant 9-piece Nativity Set includes the Holy Family, two shepherds, and the three wise kings with a manger backdrop.

6 Piece Traditional Nativity Set

6 Piece Traditional Nativity Set

This stunning Nativity Set is the perfect centrepiece for Christmas celebrations

Madonna Keepsake Box

Madonna Keepsake Box

This beautiful rosary box features the Madonna and Child.

Immaculate Heart Panel

Immaculate Heart Panel

Featuring incredible detail, this 3 panel piece will stand out in any room.

Little Shepherd Drummer Boy with Baby Jesus Statue

Little Shepherd Drummer Boy with Baby Jesus Statue

This heart-warming figure shows Baby Jesus sleeping peacefully while the little shepherd or drummer-boy gazes on lovingly.

Christmas Light Holy Family Folk Ornament

Christmas Light Holy Family Folk Ornament

This stunning hand-painted Christmas ornament lights up the Holy Family in a celestial glow.

Holy Family Nativity Snow Globe

Holy Family Nativity Snow Globe

The peaceful scene of Mary, Joseph and Jesus is filled with swirling glitter when you shake this snow globe.

Ceramic Rosary Box

Ceramic Rosary Box

This beautiful rosary box is a great gift for a Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation gift.

Advent Arch Candle Holder with Holy Family and Angel

Advent Arch Candle Holder with Holy Family and Angel

Holy Family Gold & Olive Nativity Ornament Small

Holy Family Gold & Olive Nativity Ornament Small

Gifts of Faith - Child's Bible

Gifts of Faith - Child's Bible

Give a Gift of Faith and provide a child with a Bible.

Noah's Ark Silver Musical Box

Noah's Ark Silver Musical Box

Treat little ones to this beautiful silver-plated Musical box in the shape of Noah’s Ark.

Christmas Holy Family Wood Mosaic Statue

Christmas Holy Family Wood Mosaic Statue

This beautiful Nativity Scene features the Holy Family.

Holy Family Nativity Triptych Tabletop Décor

Holy Family Nativity Triptych Tabletop Décor

A beautiful triptych to elevate the overall look of your home of Christmas season.

Gifts of Faith - Religious Sisters

Gifts of Faith - Religious Sisters

Give the gift of Faith and help support religious sisters.

Gifts of Faith - Give the Gift of a Mass

Gifts of Faith - Give the Gift of a Mass

Give the Gift of a Holy Mass

Gifts of Faith - Construction of a church

Gifts of Faith - Construction of a church

Give the gift of Faith and help construct Churches

Gifts of Faith - Formation of Seminarians

Gifts of Faith - Formation of Seminarians

Give the gift of Faith and help a Seminarian complete his studies.

Gifts of Faith - Transport for Pastoral Care

Gifts of Faith - Transport for Pastoral Care

Give the gift of Faith and help provide Transport for Pastoral Care.

Ghirelli Miraculous Medal Rosary Bracelet - Copper

Ghirelli Miraculous Medal Rosary Bracelet - Copper

Miraculous Medal Bracelet from Ghirelli.

Olive Wood Pack of 6 Christmas Ornaments

Olive Wood Pack of 6 Christmas Ornaments

Handmade on a scroll saw, this is a unique and beautiful addition to your Christmas ornaments collection, direct from the Holy Land.

Olive Wood Nativity Crib

Olive Wood Nativity Crib

Easter Cards - Bradi Barth

Easter Cards - Bradi Barth

ACN Easter cards are created and produced in Australia featuring the paintings of Swiss artist Bradi Barth (1922-2007), who herself was a benefactor of Aid to the Church in Need.

Olive Wood Holy Family Figurine 20cm

Olive Wood Holy Family Figurine 20cm

Embroidered Christmas Wish Wall Art

Embroidered Christmas Wish Wall Art

Beautifully stitched, this traditional round needlepoint frame makes a cheerful and welcoming Christmas decoration.

Jim Shore Nativity Theme Christmas Star Hanging Ornament

Jim Shore Nativity Theme Christmas Star Hanging Ornament

This hand-painted Christmas star shaped and Nativity themed hanging ornament is a Jim Shore Christmas classic. This beautiful blue Nativity star ornament reminds us of the real reason for the season. Featuring a delicate manger scene, wise men, the Holy family, shepherds and Christmas angel of the First Noel are all represented in exquisite detail. Sought after collectable piece from the Jim Shore Heartwood Creek range. Dimensions:11cm H x 11cm L x 1.6cm W. Material: Stone Resin.

Gold Cathedral Ornament

Gold Cathedral Ornament

This gold Cathedral reminds us of the glory of the Faith.

Gold Cross Ornament

Gold Cross Ornament

This beautiful gold cross is embellished with graceful filigree and is a wonderful way to remember the Faith this Christmas.

Holy Family with Angel Gabriel Ornament

Holy Family with Angel Gabriel Ornament

Saint Joan of Arc Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Saint Joan of Arc Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

St Joan of Arc: Patron saint of soldiers and France .

Saint Catherine of Siena Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Saint Catherine of Siena Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

St Catherine of Sienna, Doctor of the Church and Patron saint of Italy.

Saint Elizabeth Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Saint Elizabeth Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

St Elizabeth: Patron saint of widows, nurses and caregivers.

Saint Jude Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Saint Jude Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

St Jude: Patron saint of  desperate causes.

Our Lady of  Fatima Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Our Lady of Fatima Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Our Lady of Fatima or Our Lady of the Rosary. This statue of Our Lady of Fatima shows her as she was seen by the children during the momentous apparitions in 1917 Portugal.

Saint Stephen Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Saint Stephen Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

St Stephen: Patron saint of deacons and stone masons.

Saint Mother Teresa Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Saint Mother Teresa Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

St Mother Teresa: Patron saint of missionaries.

Saint Benedict Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Saint Benedict Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

St Benedict: Founder of Monasticism, patron saint of religious orders.

Saint Anthony Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Saint Anthony Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

St Anthony: Patron saint of the poor and lost articles.

The Divine Mercy Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

The Divine Mercy Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

The Divine Mercy: Patron of the destiny of humanity.

Our Lady of Lourdes Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Our Lady of Lourdes Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

Our Lady of Lourdes: In 1858 in the grotto of Massabielle, near Lourdes in southern France, Our Lady appeared 18 times to Bernadette Soubirous, a young peasant girl.

The Infant Jesus of Prague Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

The Infant Jesus of Prague Statue (Patrons & Protectors)

The Infant Jesus of Prague: Patron of children, family life and vocations.

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