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First Communion Rosary Box

First Communion Rosary Box

Intricately detailed keepsake box with First Holy Communion symbols.

First Communion Prayer Book - White

First Communion Prayer Book - White

A perfect prayer book for any child as they celebrate the reception of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Confirmation Keepsake Box

Confirmation Keepsake Box

This gorgeous Keepsake Box from the Joseph 's Studio will make a great Confirmation gift.

Lenten Candle

Lenten Candle

The perfect addition to your prayer space this liturgical season are these beautiful candles crafted by Australian designers the Lment.

Sacred Heart Rosary Beads

Sacred Heart Rosary Beads

Sacred Heart Rosary beads from Ghirelli. A gift to remind us of God's immeasurable love.

El Salvador New Creation Cross

El Salvador New Creation Cross

Traditional El Salvador Cross.

Confirmation Frame

Confirmation Frame

Perfect Confirmation gift, it comes in a distressed grey colour with the word 'Confirmation' written in a rustic gold.

Confirmation Jewel Box

Confirmation Jewel Box

Perfect Confirmation gift - in a distressed grey colour with 'Confirmation' in a rustic gold.

God Bless this Little one Standing Cross Blue

God Bless this Little one Standing Cross Blue

A cream-colored cross with small diamond shape design on the surface and a message that reads "God Bless This Little One" is written in blue colour in the middle of the cross.

God Bless this Little one Standing Cross Pink

God Bless this Little one Standing Cross Pink

A cream-colored cross with small diamond shape design on the surface and a message that reads "God Bless This Little One" is written in pink colour in the middle of the cross.

Whitehill Silver Frame with Cross accent

Whitehill Silver Frame with Cross accent

Silver Frame features a beautiful smooth high shine border with an embellished cross at top left corner.

Whitehill Bible gift box with Rosary Beads

Whitehill Bible gift box with Rosary Beads

Whitehill Bible leatherette gift box.

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12 | 24 | 48