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Lent and Easter Wisdom from Fulton J. Sheen

Lent and Easter Wisdom from Fulton J. Sheen

These fifty passages and accompanying prayers offer a practical spiritual program throughout the season.

El Salvador New Creation Cross

El Salvador New Creation Cross

Traditional El Salvador Cross.

Lovers Hearts Wall Hang

Lovers Hearts Wall Hang

Mexican Tin Milagros Hearts with the inscription 'my heart joined to yours' in Spanish.

Hand Painted Sacred Heart Cross

Hand Painted Sacred Heart Cross

Gold medium Cross with the Sacred Heart as the central focus.

Mexican Handicrafts Large Tin Heart Cross

Mexican Handicrafts Large Tin Heart Cross

Large silver tin cross with a Sacred Heart as the central medal.

Hand Painted Wooden Sacred Heart

Hand Painted Wooden Sacred Heart

Wooden Sacred Heart with 'Milagros'(meaning: miracle) Charms. Milagros are religious folk charms that are traditionally used for healing purposes and as votive offerings in Mexico.

Confirmation Frame

Confirmation Frame

Perfect Confirmation gift, it comes in a distressed grey colour with the word 'Confirmation' written in a rustic gold.

Confirmation Jewel Box

Confirmation Jewel Box

Perfect Confirmation gift - in a distressed grey colour with 'Confirmation' in a rustic gold.

Willow Tree Angel of Prayer Statue

Willow Tree Angel of Prayer Statue

Willow Tree by Susan Lordi. 'For those who believe in the power of prayer'.

Noah's Ark Soft Book for Babies

Noah's Ark Soft Book for Babies

This illustrated, rhyming story teaches children the classic Bible story of Noah's Ark.

God Bless this Little one Standing Cross Blue

God Bless this Little one Standing Cross Blue

A cream-colored cross with small diamond shape design on the surface and a message that reads "God Bless This Little One" is written in blue colour in the middle of the cross.

God Bless this Little one Standing Cross Pink

God Bless this Little one Standing Cross Pink

A cream-colored cross with small diamond shape design on the surface and a message that reads "God Bless This Little One" is written in pink colour in the middle of the cross.

Whitehill Silver Frame with Cross accent

Whitehill Silver Frame with Cross accent

Silver Frame features a beautiful smooth high shine border with an embellished cross at top left corner.

Whitehill Bible gift box with Rosary Beads

Whitehill Bible gift box with Rosary Beads

Whitehill Bible leatherette gift box.

Artful Cross 'Walk by Faith'

Artful Cross 'Walk by Faith'

Artful Cross is a collection of curated crosses, designed by an array of artisans.

Artful Cross 'The Lord Bless You'

Artful Cross 'The Lord Bless You'

Artful Cross is a collection of curated crosses, designed by an array of artisans.

My First Communion Statue Girl

My First Communion Statue Girl

This beautiful My First Communion Figurine makes the perfect gift for your loved one celebrating this special day!

My First Communion Statue Boy

My First Communion Statue Boy

This beautiful My First Communion Figurine makes the perfect gift for your loved one celebrating this special day.

Silver Keepsake Communion Box

Silver Keepsake Communion Box

The perfect gift for a first holy communicant.

Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue 25cm

Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue 25cm

Joseph's StudioTM

Immaculate Heart of Mary Statue 25cm

Immaculate Heart of Mary Statue 25cm

Joseph's StudioTM

Olive Wood Bethlehem Star and Candle

Olive Wood Bethlehem Star and Candle

Celebrate the victory of light over darkness with this beautiful olivewood candle holder.

Olive Wood Jerusalem Cross

Olive Wood Jerusalem Cross

The symbolism of the five-fold cross is representative of the five wounds of Christ.

Olive Wood Crucifix 12cm

Olive Wood Crucifix 12cm

Traditional wooden Crucifix with silver Corpus.

Olive Wood Comfort Cross

Olive Wood Comfort Cross

Palm cross made from Olivewood from Bethlehem.

Olive Wood Pack of 5 Christmas Ornaments

Olive Wood Pack of 5 Christmas Ornaments

One Pack of 5 Gift Packed Olive Wood Christmas Ornaments.

Olive Wood Small Holy Family Statue

Olive Wood Small Holy Family Statue

A small ‘Holy Family’ hand carved statue handcrafted by families in Bethlehem.

Gregorian Mass Card

Gregorian Mass Card

The Gregorian Mass card can be given to those for whom a Gregorian Set of 30 consecutive Masses are offered.

$2 .50
Novena Mass Card

Novena Mass Card

The Novena Mass card can be given to those for whom a Novena of Masses are offered.

$2 .50
Triduum Mass Card

Triduum Mass Card

The Triduum Mass card can be given to those for whom Triduum of Masses are offered.

$2 .50
Mass Card - Christ the Good Shepherd

Mass Card - Christ the Good Shepherd

The portrait Mass card can be given to those for whom a Mass is offered.

$2 .50
Christmas Card Olivewood Angel

Christmas Card Olivewood Angel

Christmas card with Christmas Angel ornament

Christmas Card Olivewood Bell

Christmas Card Olivewood Bell

Christmas card with Christmas Bell ornament

Christmas Cards (Bradi Barth)

Christmas Cards (Bradi Barth)

ACN Christmas cards created and produced in Australia. Each pack contains 12 cards with envelopes.

Child's Bible Poster Series

Child's Bible Poster Series

48 posters that are enlarged images of the illustrations taken from the ACN child’s Bible.

Confession Card

Confession Card

Explanation of Confession and how to go receive the healing sacrament.

Rosary Card

Rosary Card

A short explanation of the rosary and how to pray it.

Via Crucis Booklet

Via Crucis Booklet

The fifteen Stations of the Cross

Adult Rosary Booklet

Adult Rosary Booklet

This booklet brings together the instructions on how to pray the rosary with meditations on each mystery

Children's Rosary Booklet

Children's Rosary Booklet

Learn more about the lives of Jesus and Mary through praying the rosary.

I Believe

I Believe

"I Believe" is written to introduce and explain the faith to children and adults.

Feasts and Seasons by Fr Werenfried van Straaten

Feasts and Seasons by Fr Werenfried van Straaten

Reflections on the Church's liturgical year.

Roll Back the Stone of Fear by Cardinal Gabriel Zubeir Wako

Roll Back the Stone of Fear by Cardinal Gabriel Zubeir Wako

Roll Back the Stone of Fear: Prayer-poems and Letters from the Suffering Church in Sudan.

The Wayside Stream: Reconciliation by Fr Paul Glynn

The Wayside Stream: Reconciliation by Fr Paul Glynn

This book by Father Paul Glynn is a gathering of stories about people who have experienced reconciliation.

The Smile of a Ragpicker by Fr Paul Glynn

The Smile of a Ragpicker by Fr Paul Glynn

This is a powerful story of reconciliation and healing, between people of different social, economic and religious backgrounds, inspired by a frail young woman of luminous faith.

$34 .95
Psalms: Songs for the Way Home by Fr Paul Glynn

Psalms: Songs for the Way Home by Fr Paul Glynn

A book to dip into over and over for renewed spiritual energy.

A Song for Nagasaki by Fr Paul Glynn

A Song for Nagasaki by Fr Paul Glynn

The story of Dr. Nagai of Nagasaki written by Father Paul Glynn.

The Pope and the Beggar: Thoughts and Meditations with Pope Benedict XVI and Father Werenfried

The Pope and the Beggar: Thoughts and Meditations with Pope Benedict XVI and Father Werenfried

Thoughts and Meditations with Pope Benedict XVI and Father Werenfried.

Items per page
12 | 24 | 48