Milagros Incense St Joseph 50g
Milagros Incense St Therese Lisieux 50g
Milagros Incense Undoer of Knots 50g
Milagros Incense Our Lady Guadalupe 50g
Milagros Incense Our Lady Fatima 50g
Milagros Incense Misericordiae 50g
Milagros Incense Misericordiae 125g
Milagros Incense Spoon
25 Ways to Become a Saint - TAN Books
Everyone should have the ultimate goal of getting to heaven so as to be united with God forever in eternity. The 25 essential methods elaborated in this wonderful book will, if lived out with intent, will help you to love God more and get onto the sure path to heaven. If you want to be a great saint or want your loved ones to be, this is a must have book for the back pocket and the kitchen table! Publisher: Tan Books/Saint Benedict Press. 52 Pages. Softcover.
Daily Companion for Caregivers
Serving as a caregiver for a family member, friend, or dependent takes abundant wisdom, patience, courage, and the help of God. The daily provision of Scripture, reflection and prayer included in this special book will serve as an indispensable support for those who by nature, circumstance or profession, are immersed in tending to the physical, emotional, and everyday needs of those they care for. Nurses, doctors, police, rescue personnel‚ as well as anyone caring for a loved one‚ will do well to keep this prayer book close at hand to strengthen their compassion and empathy with whomever they are called to walk with. This remarkable book makes for that perfect gift for yourself or for someone you love! 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.
My First Mass Book
The Mass is at the heart of the Catholic Faith and it is the responsibility of every parent to teach their children about this most beautiful gift of God Himself. The 'My First Mass Book' features beautiful colour illustrations of the Mass, the Life of Christ, and a wonderful section on Traditional Catholic prayers that, in time, will become a staple and underpinning element of the child's spiritual life. This book should be in the hand of every child as they are introduced to the Most Holy Eucharist. Hardcover. Gold stamped with gilded edges. 96 pages.
Healing Prayers For Every Day Companion
This uplifting and beautifully presented book in the Spiritual Life Series, sets forth efficacious and encouraging prayers for the healing of soul and body. Each day contains a specific Scripture quotation, reflection, and prayer to facilitate healing in one's life. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.