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Our Lady of Tenderness with Christ Child Icon Panel 42cm with 22k Gold Leaf

Our Lady of Tenderness with Christ Child Icon Panel 42cm with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed 42cm Panel icon set featuring Our Lady of Tenderness. Possible pairing with ICN015. This beautiful icon highlights the tender love that Our Lady has for each one of us as exemplified by the love that she has for her divine Son Jesus. This tender love is symbolised by the physical intimacy that we see portrayed in the icon by way of Our Lady and the baby Jesus' cheeks found side by side along with the Bambino's arm wrapped lovingly around His Mother's neck. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 42 x 20cm.

4 Panel Icon Triptych Holy Family and Archangels Home Altar

4 Panel Icon Triptych Holy Family and Archangels Home Altar

Stunningly handcrafted and most beautiful home altar Triptych featuring the Holy Family on the central panel. This focal icon highlights the tender love that existed between the Holy Spouses Mary and Joseph and their divine Son Jesus. This tender love is brought to the fore by the physical intimacy that we see portrayed in the icon and which is in itself a call for all couples and families to identify with and to imitate. The three Archangels are found on the supporting icon panels where they not only show their relationship with the Holy Family but also to each of us in their protective, healing and guiding roles. The panels on the left and right of the central icon are hinged and can close shut when one desires to cover the sacredness and mystery of the Holy Family. Material: Natural timber with 22k gold leaf features. Size: 30 x 29cm.

Suede Keepsake Boxed Our Lady of Perpetual Help Silver and Gold Plated Icon

Suede Keepsake Boxed Our Lady of Perpetual Help Silver and Gold Plated Icon

Beautiful natural timber and stamped silver and gold plated icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. This beautiful icon highlights the power of Our Lady's maternal intercessory role as the Mother of God and our mother and where she points us to her Son Jesus as the Saviour of all. Comes presented in a high end red suede keepsake box which will make for that perfect gift for that special occasion. The icon itself will also make for a focused prayer sacramental which will draw all in to the transcendent by its symbolism and inherent beauty. Icon size: 12 x 12cm.

Suede Keepsake Boxed Christ Pantocrator Silver and Gold Plated Icon

Suede Keepsake Boxed Christ Pantocrator Silver and Gold Plated Icon

Beautiful natural timber and stamped silver and gold plated icon of Christ the Teacher in the style of Christ Pantocrator of the Monastery of St. Catherine Mt. Sinai. Comes presented in a high end red suede keepsake box which will make for that perfect gift for that special occasion. The icon itself will also make for a focused prayer sacramental which will draw all in to the transcendent by its symbolism and inherent beauty. Icon size: 12 x 12cm.

Large Crucifixion of Our Lord Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Large Crucifixion of Our Lord Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon portraying the Crucifixion of Our Lord in large size. This beautiful icon highlights the maternal love of the Blessed Mother who as the Queen of Martyrs suffers alongside her crucified Son. It also features the love of the Beloved Disciple who followed his Divine Master to Calvary and the Cross. This icon of our crucified Lord invites us, like Our Lady and St John, to pick up our daily cross and to follow Him also. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 32 x 25cm

Large Holy Family of Nazareth Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Large Holy Family of Nazareth Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon featuring the holy Family of Nazareth. This beautiful icon highlights the tender love that existed between the Holy Spouses Mary and Joseph and their divine Son Jesus. This tender love is brought to the fore by the physical intimacy that we see portrayed in the icon and which is in itself a call for all couples and families to identify with and to imitate. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 32 x 25cm

Our Lady of Tenderness with the Christ Child Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Our Lady of Tenderness with the Christ Child Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon set featuring Our Lady of Tenderness. This beautiful icon highlights the tender love that Our Lady has for each one of us as exemplified by the love that she has for her divine Son Jesus. This tender love is symbolised by the physical intimacy that we see portrayed in the icon by way of Our Lady and the baby Jesus' cheeks found side by side along with the Bambino's arm wrapped lovingly around His Mother's neck. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm

Icon of Saint Michael the Archangel with 22k Gold Leaf

Icon of Saint Michael the Archangel with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon featuring Saint Michael the Archangel. The name Michael signifies "Who is like to God?" and was the war cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against Satan and his followers. Holy Scripture describes St. Michael as "one of the chief princes," and leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over the powers of hell. He has been especially honoured and invoked as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles. Pope Leo XII composed the famous and oft recited 'St Michael the Archangel prayer' which calls for the intercession of this great saint especially in time of demonic oppression. This striking representation of the powerful leader of the angelic host will undoubtedly make a beautiful and much turned to addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm. St Michael the Archangel prayer: Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Icon of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with 22k Gold Leaf

Icon of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon featuring the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. This beautiful portrayal of the Sacred Heart presents the Lord in the posture handed down to us by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque on 27 December 1673. Our Lord in presenting His Sacred Heart to St Margaret Mary said to her: "Behold this Heart which has so loved men that It spared nothing, even going so far as to exhaust and consume Itself, to prove to them Its love. And in return I receive from the greater part of men nothing but ingratitude... Therefore I ask of you that the first Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi be dedicated as a feast in honour of My Heart, and amends made to It in an Act of Reparation offered to It and by the reception of Holy Communion on that day, to atone for the outrages It has received during the time It has been exposed on the Altars. I promise you that My Heart will open wide and pour forth lavishly the influence of Its Divine love on all who will render and procure for It this honour." This beautiful image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will undoubtedly make a beautiful and much turned to addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm. The Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary (1) "I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life. (2) I will establish peace in their homes. (3) I will comfort them in all their afflictions. (4) I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all, in death. (5) I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings. (6) Sinners will find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy. (7) Lukewarm souls shall become fervent. (8) Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection. (9) I will bless every place in which an image of my Heart is exposed and honoured. (10) I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts. (11) Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in my Heart. (12) I promise you in the excessive mercy of my Heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in my disgrace, nor without receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment."

Andre Rublev Icon of the Holy Trinity with 22k Gold Leaf

Andre Rublev Icon of the Holy Trinity with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon set featuring Andre Rublev's Holy Trinity also known as the 'Hospitality of Abraham'. This beautiful and most famous of all icons which presents to our spiritual minds and hearts the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, has long been treasured for its deep and powerful iconographic symbolism. At its heart is the Communion of Persons present in the love and total receptivity of each Divine Person, a communion which we are all invited to participate in by way of the Sacrament of Baptism. This icon It will undoubtedly make a beautiful and much turned to addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm. Understanding the Icon: In Andre Rublev's icon, the form that most clearly represents the idea of the consubstantiality of the Trinity's three hypostases is a circle. It is the foundation of the composition. At the same time, the angels are not inserted into the circle, but create it instead, thus our eyes can't stop at any of the three figures and rather dwell inside this limited space. The impactful center of the composition is the cup with the calf's head. It hints at the crucifixion sacrifice and serves as the reminder of the Eucharist (the left and the right angels' figures make a silhouette that resembles a cup). Around the cup, which is placed on the table, the silent dialogue of gestures takes place. The left angel symbolises God the Father. He blesses the cup, yet his hand is painted in a distance, as if he passes the cup to the central angel. The central angel represents Jesus Christ, who in turn blesses the cup as well and accepts it with a bow as if saying "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will". (Mt 26:39) The nature of each of the three hypostases is revealed through their symbolic attributes, i.e. the house, the tree, and the mountain. The starting point of the divine administration is the creative Will of God, therefore Rublev places the Abraham's house above the corresponding angel's head. The Oak of Mamre can be interpreted as the tree of life and it serves as a reminder of the Jesus's death on the cross and his subsequent resurrection, which opened the way to eternal life. The Oak is located in the centre, above the angel who symbolises Jesus. Finally, the mountain is a symbol of the spiritual ascent, which mankind accomplishes with the help of the Holy Spirit. The unity of the Trinity's three hypostases expresses unity and love between all things: "That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me." (John 17:21) The wings of two angels, the Father and the Son, interlap. The blue colour of the Son's robe symbolizes divinity, the brown colour represents earth, his humanity, and the gold speaks of kingship of God. The wings of the Holy Spirit do not touch the Son's wings, they are imperceptibly divided by the Son's spear. The blue colour of the Holy Spirit's robe symbolises divinity, the green colour represents new life. The poses and the inclinations of the Holy Spirit and the Son's heads demonstrate their submission to the Father, yet their placement on the thrones at the same level symbolises equality.

Our Lady Undoer of Knots Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Our Lady Undoer of Knots Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon set featuring Our Lady Undoer of Knots. This beautiful image highlights Mary's intercessory power especially in the sphere of family life. Mary Undoer of Knots comes to our rescue when we present our 'knots' to her with the trust that is characteristic of children towards their beloved mother. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful and much turned to addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon set featuring Our Lady of Perpetual Help. This beautiful icon highlights the power of Our Lady's powerful intercessory role as the Mother of God and our mother and where she points us to her Son Jesus as the Saviour of all. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm. The image depicts the following symbols: The Blessed Virgin Mary — wearing a dress of dark red, in Byzantine iconography the color of the Empress. The subject shows Mary looking towards the faithful while pointing at the Child Jesus, frightened by the instruments of crucifixion and is depicted with a fallen sandal. The left side is Saint Michael Archangel — carrying the lance and sponge of the crucifixion of Jesus. On the right side is Saint Gabriel Archangel carrying a 3-bar cross and nails. The Virgin Mary has a star on her forehead signifying her role as Star of the Sea while the cross on the side has been claimed as referring to the Greek monastery which produced the icon. Byzantine depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in this style are called Hodegetria, where Mary is pointing to her Son, known as a Theotokos of the Passion. Mary is depicted with a long slender nose, thin lips, and smoothly arched eyebrows, evidence of being made by a Greek artist. The veil and her face itself are rounded, indicating holiness. The size of the Mother is also out of proportion to her son, a deliberate intent by the artist to show Mary as larger than life. The Greek inscriptions read MP-ΘΥ (Μήτηρ Θεοῦ, Mother of God), ΟΑΜ (Ὁ Ἀρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ, Michael the Archangel), ΟΑΓ (Ὁ Ἀρχάγγελος Γαβριήλ, Gabriel the Archangel) and IC-XC (Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Jesus Christ), respectively.

Icon Diptych Seriography Christ the Teacher and Virgin of Tenderness

Icon Diptych Seriography Christ the Teacher and Virgin of Tenderness

Stunning gold leaf framed dual panel icon set featuring Christ the Teacher and the Virgin of Tenderness. These interconnected and complementary icons will make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 21 x 14cm.

Gold print Cross Icon with Christ Pantocrator

Gold print Cross Icon with Christ Pantocrator

Stunning Gold print icon with centre focus on Christ the Teacher in the style of Christ Pantocrator of the Monastery of St. Catherine Mt. Sinai. Surrounded by icons of the Annunciation, the Last Supper and the Crucifixion of Jesus. This icon will make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Natural Timber. Size: 15 x 15cm.

Holy Family Stained Glass Winter Frost

Holy Family Stained Glass Winter Frost

A striking and most beautiful addition to the family collection of Christmas ornaments! Presented in a contemporary stained glass fashion, this nativity scene shows Mary and Joseph in adoration of the Christ Child with the Star of Bethlehem blazing overhead ! A striking Christmas focal point with an attached metal chain for hanging. Size: 15cm x 10cm.

5 Piece 26cm Nativity Set in Whitewash Style

5 Piece 26cm Nativity Set in Whitewash Style

A beautiful 5-piece 26cm Nativity set styled in a whitewash fashion. Featuring the Holy Family, the wise men look on with all due solemnity as they hold forth their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. St Joseph looks on as the Infant King's protective father while the Blessed Mother holds the Christ Child close to her breast as she looks with maternal love at His adorable face. This nativity scene will make a stunning centerpiece in any home, classroom or workplace. Material: Resin. Average height of standing figurines: 26cm.

7 Piece 33cm Nativity Creche with White & Gold highlights

7 Piece 33cm Nativity Creche with White & Gold highlights

An absolutely beautiful 7-piece 33cm Nativity scene in white and gold tones. With a stunning creche included to form the traditional Christmas background the Holy Family presents as the natural focal point of this nativity set. The wise men look on with all due solemnity as they hold forth their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. St Joseph looks on as the Infant King's protective father while the Blessed Mother clasps her hands together in a prayer of praise and thanksgiving. The Christ Child lies in His manger looking forward to the time when He will be the Bread of Life for the salvation of the whole world. Material: Stone Resin. Size: Creche 33cm. Average height of taller figurines 22cm. Comes boxed.

Jim Shore Holy Family Joy to the World  Hanging Ornament

Jim Shore Holy Family Joy to the World Hanging Ornament

A most personable Holy Family Hanging Ornament from the sought after Jim Shore Heartwood Creek collection. This beautiful figurine highlights the 'Joy to the World' motif and features Jim Shore's unmistakable style with this particular ornament carrying a gentle woodland theme. It is handcrafted using high-quality stone resin material with its hand-painted features being intricate and highly detailed. Dimensions: 11.5cm H x 6cm W.

2-Piece Holy Family Glass Containers Winter Frost

2-Piece Holy Family Glass Containers Winter Frost

A beautiful 2-piece set of Christmas themed Glass Containers with a wonderful focus on the Holy Family and surmounted by the silver star of Bethlehem. These containers can be used with battery operated electric candles, dried flowers or just as they are! The specialised artwork is by renowned artist Haley Bush. Size: 20cm H x 10cm D & 15cm H x 10cm D

Christmas 2 piece set Holy Family and Wise Men Canvas and Tin Hanging Pictures

Christmas 2 piece set Holy Family and Wise Men Canvas and Tin Hanging Pictures

A 2-piece Christmas Hanging Picture set featuring the Holy Family enroute to Bethlehem and the three Wise Men. These 2 artistic images have an individual galvanised tin frame with the prints in canvas. Collectively, they will make any wall area a focal point for the Christmas season. The artwork is by renowned artist Susan Winget. Size: 25.5cm x 25.5cm x 4.5cm

Glitterdome Wind Up Musical Holy Family Nativity

Glitterdome Wind Up Musical Holy Family Nativity

A perfect gift for Christmas and one which will form an easy centrepiece for that special area of the home . This musical glitter dome has a wind up key and plays the “Upon a Midnight Clear” melody. The beautiful rendition of the Infant Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, will warm the heart of adults and children alike! Height: 17.5cm. Gift boxed and ships in protective packaging.

Holy Family Water Lantern Classic Iron Style

Holy Family Water Lantern Classic Iron Style

This beautiful water lantern with classic iron features, presents the Holy Family in a traditional Nativity pose. With continuous swirling glitter, this water lantern will present an ongoing focus for those special Christmas celebrations. It is battery operated and can also be charged via USB cable. Requires 3 AA Batteries (not included). 6 Hour Timer Repeats Every 18 Hours. Includes USB Cord. Does Not Include USB Power Adapter. Do Not Use With USB Power Adapter Exceeding 1.5 Amps. Size: 28 cm H, 8 cm W.

3-Piece Holy Family Nativity 32cm

3-Piece Holy Family Nativity 32cm

This beautifully presented 32cm 3-piece Holy Family Nativity set features Our Lady kneeling with a loving gaze before her new born son the Infant Jesus. St Joseph, with lantern in hand, looks over them both with the tender and courageous stance of the Christ Child's chosen protector. Material: resin. H: 32cm.

Jim Shore Angel with Holly Hanging Ornament

Jim Shore Angel with Holly Hanging Ornament

Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Angel with Holly hanging ornament. This stunning 12.5cm angel is full of Christmas symbolism. The twig of holly held between the delicate hands of the angel presents the red berries of the Holly which symbolise the blood that Jesus shed on the cross whilst it's pointed leaves symbolise the crown of thorns placed on the infant king's head. On the branch, two cardinals tweet together in inspired harmony. Traditionally, the Cardinals represent abundant blessings and that angels are near. The angels wings and gown feature poinsettia petals and a bush of holly in enchanting color. The poinsettia plant represents the Star of Bethlehem. Dimensions: 12.5 H x 4.3cm W. Materials: Stone Resin.

Jim Shore Night Before Christmas Hanging Ornament

Jim Shore Night Before Christmas Hanging Ornament

The 'Twas the Night Before Christmas Book' Hanging Ornament showcases Jim Shore's unmistakable style. This sweet, eye catching hanging ornament evokes a sense of nostalgia with its traditional themes and quilt pattern design motifs. It is beautifully hand painted and perfectly crafted with intricate styling and attention to detail. With this particular hanging ornament, Jim Shore reimagines the classic poem by Clement Clarke Moore with stunning style and iconic illustration. The beloved storybook cover is awakened as an ornament with bright color and a sleeping mouse. Material: Stone Resin. Dimensions: 9cm H x 2.5cm W x 6.5cm. Presentation: Giftbox.

My First Communion Prayer Book for Boys - Hardcover

My First Communion Prayer Book for Boys - Hardcover

This is a highly recommended item! A truly beautiful and well prepared Hardcover First Holy Communion prayerbook for children which contains the following essential elements of the Faith for young people: Order of the Mass The Beatitudes Prayers of the Rosary Stations of the Cross Sacrament of Reconciliation Daily Prayers Space for reflective writing 132pages. Size: 12.5cm x 9cm x 1.5cm.

10 Piece Children's Nativity Set 8cm

10 Piece Children's Nativity Set 8cm

This 10 piece, super cute and eye catching nativity set especially targeted for the little ones replete with Holy Family, Wise Men, Shepherds, Angel and the obligatory donkey and ox! Made from poly resin and hand painted, the 'Natural Noel' nativity set is one that will last down the generations! Material: Poly Resin. Size: 8cm

Karen Hahn Heavenly Blessings Holy Family Figurine

Karen Hahn Heavenly Blessings Holy Family Figurine

This graceful Holy Family figurine depicts a loving embrace shared between Joseph and Mary the latter all the while cradling the newborn Christ child. The inscription, "O come let us adore Him" provides a central and uplifting feature of this treasured piece. Family is the backbone of any Christmas, and is captured most beautifully in this graceful figurine. The realistic textures and intricate painting along with its high quality and carefully constructed poly-resin form, render it a very durable and much desired Christmas gift. Materials: Stone Resin. Dim: 23cm H x 14cm W

Josephs Studio Nativity Hanging Ornament

Josephs Studio Nativity Hanging Ornament

From the renowned Joseph's Studio brand, this traditional Christmas Hanging Ornament will captivate the imagination of all the family with its intimate portrayal of the Holy Family. Featuring Jesus, Our Lady, and Saint Joseph, this Christmas gem illustrates the proper orientation that all of us should entertain during this most holy season where the Infant Child and the joyful anticipation of his imminent birth, should be utmost in our hearts and minds. A beautiful gift for the discerning person. Comes gift boxed with Joseph Studio branding. Material: Resin. Dimensions: 8.25cm H

Saintly Scents Christmas Holy Family Candle Limited Edition

Saintly Scents Christmas Holy Family Candle Limited Edition

Holy Family Christmas Themed Limited Edition Candle with scents of cinnamon clove spice, sweet citrus & sandalwood. This limited edition Christmas scented candle includes a prayer card with a Christmas prayer written by Saint Pope John XXIII. Handmade in Tasmania - All natural ingredients - Pure soy wax - 275g | 50 hours - Hand drawn illustrations - Eco friendly paper. Hand drawn illustrations by an Australian artist with prayer cards printed on 100% recycled paper. Even the Candle Lid is made out of real timber!

Joseph's Studio A Child is Born Stable Figurine

Joseph's Studio A Child is Born Stable Figurine

Ideal as a Christmas focused figurine on a tabletop or as part of a shelf arrangement, this wonderful representation of the Christ Child surrounded by the familiar animals of the Bethlehem, highlights and calls to mind the scripture verse from Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a Child is Born". Material: Resin and Stone mix. Dimensions:20.5cm H x 9cm W x 5 L

Holy Family Christmas Hanging Ornament Bronze Gold and Pearl

Holy Family Christmas Hanging Ornament Bronze Gold and Pearl

From the renowned 'Roman' brand and finished in solemn tones of pearl, bronze, and gold, this beautiful Christmas Hanging Ornament will captivate the imagination of all the family with its intimate portrayal of the Holy Family. Featuring Jesus, Our Lady, and Saint Joseph, this Christmas gem illustrates the proper orientation that all of us should entertain during this most holy season where the Infant Child and the joyful anticipation of his imminent birth, should be utmost in our hearts and minds. A beautiful gift for the discerning person. Material: Resin. Dimensions: 8.25cm H

Art Heart You Make my Heart Smile Gift Boxed

Art Heart You Make my Heart Smile Gift Boxed

A truly beautiful sentiment and equally beautiful gift to share with that special friend or family member! Art Hearts is a curated collection of heart-shaped keepsake sculptures which feature images and meaningful sentiments that celebrate the bonds which exist between friends, family and all the special people in our lives. Comes with special packaging and ornamental key. The Art Heart is uniquely designed to either hang as a conventional ornament with a hanging cord or to stand. A beautiful, ornamental key is included, which serves as an easel when placed in the keyhole opening at the back of the sculpture, enabling it to stand. Size: 10cm H

Willow Tree Prayer of Peace

Willow Tree Prayer of Peace

This specially designed and crafted Willow Tree figurine - Prayer of Peace - denotes the great gift that we have of being able to pray... to speak heart to heart with our Heavenly Father about those things, persons, or challenges that cause us to lose our peace. This delicate figurine is just so beautiful in its form and in its soft and intricate decoration. It will make a perfect gift for that person for whom we pray. Prayer is the beginning of peace because Jesus, to whom we pray, is the King of Peace! Size: 13cm H. Material: Resin. Care Instructions: Dust with soft cloth or soft brush. Avoid water or cleaning solvents.

Willow Tree Remembrance Angel

Willow Tree Remembrance Angel

This serene and gentle Willow Tree Remembrance Angel, will make a beautiful gift to express sympathy, comfort, and remembrance for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. It expresses the fact that we are keeping the bereaved in our prayers and thoughts. Size: 13cm H. Materials: resin, metal. Care Instructions: Dust with soft cloth or soft brush. Avoid water or cleaning solvents. Sentiment: Memories... hold each one lovingly in your heart.

Willow Tree Guardian Angel

Willow Tree Guardian Angel

One of the greatest gifts that God has given to each person is that of their Guardian Angel. This beautiful Willow Tree figurine represents this great gift and reminds us that our guardian angel is ever at our side ready to protect us from evil and to guide us towards the good. Celebrate the birth of a baby or commemorate key spiritual milestones such as baptism, first communion, and confirmation with the gift of this Willow Tree Guardian Angel figurine. Size: 13cm H. Materials: Resin, metal. Care Instructions: Dust with soft cloth or soft brush. Avoid water or cleaning solvents. Sentiment: May you always have an Angel to watch over you.

Willow Tree New Life

Willow Tree New Life

"The Church is for Life!" This specially designed and crafted Willow Tree line denotes the great gift it is to celebrate a new human being created in the image and likeness of God in a unique and unrepeatable manner! It is an immense gift to celebrate new beginnings, new babies, new families… and the loving relationships that develop between parent and child, grandparent and child. The gift of the Willow Tree line is that it reminds us of that precious person or memory that we want to keep close. Hand-carved figures reveal their expression through body gestures only… a tilt of the head, placement of the hands, a turn of the body. Size: 13cm H. Material: Resin. Care Instructions: Dust with soft cloth or soft brush. Avoid water or cleaning solvents. Sentiment: Celebrating the miracle of new life.

Jim Shore Holy Family Christmas Hanging Ornament

Jim Shore Holy Family Christmas Hanging Ornament

A unique and most attractive Holy Family Hanging Ornament from the sought after Jim Shore Heartwood Creek collection. This beautiful figurine features Jim Shore's unmistakable style with a diverse color palette and the folk art forms of quilting, rosemaling and tole painting. It is handcrafted using high-quality stone resin material with its hand-painted features being intricate and highly detailed. Dimensions: 10.7cm H x 5cm W x 7.6cm L.

Foundations Holy Family and Donkey Hanging Ornament

Foundations Holy Family and Donkey Hanging Ornament

A beautiful Holy Family with Donkey Hanging Ornament which will be a family favourite down through the generations! Part of the highly sought after and collectible 15th anniversary 'Foundations' range, this ornament loving depicts the journey of the Holy Family from Bethlehem when the Infant King's life has been threatened by Herod. Presented in linen textured stone resin with a gentle touch of color and crystal accents, it makes for a beautiful and unique Christmas gift. Ribbon included for easy hanging and comes gift boxed, ready for immediate gifting. Materials: Stone Resin, Crystal, Glass. Size: 10.3cm H x 7.5cm L x 6.7cm W.

Foundations Karen Hahn Holy Family Hanging Ornament

Foundations Karen Hahn Holy Family Hanging Ornament

This stunning Holy Family hanging ornament presents a graceful and loving embrace shared between Mary and Joseph while cradling the newborn Christ child. This intricately sculpted Holy Family figurine is formed with linen textured stone resin with a touch of softened color. Crystal accents provide elegant touch. The Foundations collection illustrates uplifting messages of hope and encouragement inspired by family, faith, and home. Sculpted in timeless styles, these gifts celebrate treasured moments and loved ones. Materials: Stone Resin, Crystal, Glass. Height: 11.2cm

Foundations Lamb of God Christmas Holy Family

Foundations Lamb of God Christmas Holy Family

A stunning representation of the Holy Family and most wonderfully crafted and presented, this manger scene captures this intimate scene with grace and poise. New parents, Mary and Joseph, hold the new born king within a loving and beautifully familial embrace. A delicate white lamb stands by and looks upon this scene with innocence and pure intention, foretelling in a typological manner the great sacrifice that the infant child is destined to undergo for our salvation. Dimensions: 22cm H x 17cm W x 16.5 L. Materials: Stone Resin, Crystal.

Gilded Style Holy Family Statue 41cm

Gilded Style Holy Family Statue 41cm

A beautifully crafted and most traditional styled Nativity scene with an intimate focus on the Holy Family of Bethlehem. Produced with an 'O Tannenbaum' period look, this durable nativity statue will last through the ages and be a wonderful focal point throughout the Advent and Christmas season. Height: 41cm. Material: Poly Resin.

Children's Nativity Set 11 Piece

Children's Nativity Set 11 Piece

A most colourful and eye catching nativity set especially targeted for the little ones replete with Holy Family, Wise Men, Shepherds, Angel and the obligatory donkey and ox! Made from poly resin and hand painted, this most unique nativity set is one that will last down the generations! Material: Poly Resin. Size: 10cm

Art Heart Peace on Earth Gift Boxed

Art Heart Peace on Earth Gift Boxed

This beautiful item makes a wonderful gift for that special person this Christmas season with its meaningful sentiment - Peace on Earth - and its traditional Holy Family focused design. Comes with special packaging and ornamental key. The Art Heart is uniquely designed to either hang as a conventional ornament with a hanging cord or to stand. A beautiful, ornamental key is included, which serves as an easel when placed in the keyhole opening at the back of the sculpture, enabling it to stand. Material: Resin, Paper, Nylon, Metal. Dimensions: 10cm H x 9cm W x 3cm.

Art Heart Rejoice Holy Family Gift Boxed

Art Heart Rejoice Holy Family Gift Boxed

This beautiful item makes a wonderful gift for that special person this Christmas season with its meaningful sentiment - Rejoice! - and its traditional Holy Family focused design. Comes with special packaging and ornamental key. The Art Heart is uniquely designed to either hang as a conventional ornament with a hanging cord or to stand. A beautiful, ornamental key is included, which serves as an easel when placed in the keyhole opening at the back of the sculpture, enabling it to stand. Material: Resin, Paper, Nylon, Metal. Dimensions: 10cm H x 9cm W x 3cm.

Art Heart O Holy Night Nativity Gift Boxed

Art Heart O Holy Night Nativity Gift Boxed

This beautiful item makes a wonderful gift for that special person this Christmas season with its meaningful sentiment - O Holy Night - and its traditional Holy Family focused design. Comes with special packaging and ornamental key. The Art Heart is uniquely designed to either hang as a conventional ornament with a hanging cord or to stand. A beautiful, ornamental key is included, which serves as an easel when placed in the keyhole opening at the back of the sculpture, enabling it to stand. Material: Resin, Paper, Nylon, Metal. Dimensions: 10cm H x 9cm W x 3cm.

Art Heart O Come Let us Adore Him in Gift Box

Art Heart O Come Let us Adore Him in Gift Box

This beautiful item makes a wonderful gift for that special person this Christmas season with its meaningful sentiment - O Come let us Adore Him - and its traditional Holy Family focused design. Comes with special packaging and ornamental key. The Art Heart is uniquely designed to either hang as a conventional ornament with a hanging cord or to stand. A beautiful, ornamental key is included, which serves as an easel when placed in the keyhole opening at the back of the sculpture, enabling it to stand. Material: Resin, Paper, Nylon, Metal. Dimensions: 10cm H x 9cm W x 3cm.

Jim Shore Nativity Scene In Stable Hanging Ornament

Jim Shore Nativity Scene In Stable Hanging Ornament

Handcrafted by Jim Shore, this stunning Nativity Scene features the Holy Family and highlights the traditional and most central focus of the whole Christmas season. Featuring a manger scene, wise men, the Holy Family, shepherds and Christmas angel, this unique and most desirable hanging ornament, is finished in hand-painted quilt detail. Size: 10cm H x 9cm L x 2cm W

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