Lenten Catalogue 2025
Saint John Paul II exhorts us,
Dear brothers and sisters, I invite you during this Lent to meditate upon the word of life which Christ left to his Church in order to enlighten the journey of each of her members. Recognize the voice of Jesus who speaks to you, especially during this Lenten season, in the Gospel, in the liturgical celebrations, in the exhortations of your pastors. Listen to the voice of Jesus who, tired and thirsty, says to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well: “Give me a drink” (Jn 4:7). Look upon Jesus nailed to the Cross, dying, and listen to his faint voice: “I thirst” (Jn 19:28). Today, Christ repeats his request and relives the torments of his Passion in the poorest of our brothers and sisters.
It is our sincere prayer that amongst these carefully selected items, you will find something that will be of use to you during your Lenten journey this year, and we give thanks for the support your purchase will provide to our brothers and sisters who benefit from the work of Aid to the Church in Need.

The Wonders of the Mass TAN Books
The Eucharistic Sacrifice is the bridge between heaven and earth; it is the eternal self-oblation of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Father, the same sacrifice of the God-Man as on Calvary, applied anew everywhere the Mass is prayed. The Mass unites us with God; it acts as a propitiatory sacrifice and brings God into our midst; it heals our soul and transforms us by God's grace; it offers the only satisfactory thanksgiving possible to give God, for it is God offering Himself to Himself; and far, far more—the wonders of the Mass are literally measureless. Mainstay author Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers in The Wonders of the Mass an astounding guide to the meaning and reality of the sacred liturgy, quoting the saints and Our Lord (via revelations to mystics). There is no capacity in which Fr. O'Sullivan fails to extol the Mass—for truly, because it is Jesus Himself present in the Sacrament, we may offer the same praise to the Mass as to God. "The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," says Fr. O'Sullivan, seconded only by "the next greatest wonder. . .the indifference and ignorance of Catholics regarding the Mass." Let The Wonders of the Mass teach you how limitless is the love of God for man in the holy liturgy. Paperback. Author: Fr. Paul O'Sullivan OP. Pages: 43

Uniformity with God's Will by St Alphonsus de Liguori
Written in 1755, Uniformity with God's Will, is a wonderful little treatise on the true love of God. Saint Alphonsus de Liguori writes to encourage believers to unify their wills with that of God's, so that they may love God perfectly: "the more one unites his will with the divine will, the greater will be his love of God." To choose otherwise, i.e. to choose not to unify one's will with God's, is "a kind of idolatry." These seven short chapters, not simply prone to abstract speculation, explore concretely how to make one's own will uniform with God's through the hardships of this life. Further, the book discusses the fruit of such a union with God's will: happiness. St Alphonsus concludes by noting how, in all things, Christians must remain steadfast in their union with God's will. For in so doing, God will "press us to his heart." Challenging and encouraging, Uniformity with God's Will has the power to remind us of what true love of God really is. 32 pages.

The Thief Who Stole Heaven Children's Book by Raymond Arroyo
Raymond Arroyo's evocative new book will take its place in the pantheon of classics for Christian children. Majestically illustrated by Randy Gallegos, this inspiring story begins when the Holy Family is set upon by roadside thieves. Jesus is a young boy--and the lead bandit is the Bad Thief. His accomplice is a young man named Dismas, later the Good Thief. Remembering his own mother and family, Dismas is moved with compassion and persuades the leader to let the Holy Family go. He does not change his ways, but while on the cross many years later, Dismas is caught in the entrancing gaze of the Blessed Mother from under his own cross. He suddenly realizes that the man suffering horribly next to him was the captivating boy on that fateful day long ago. He instantly asks Jesus for forgiveness--and knowing exactly who he is, Jesus forgives Dismas, assuring him of Paradise that very day. "Wonder, in a child, is the beginning of worship," said a children's book publisher nearly a century ago. Author Arroyo, in one of the most beautiful Gospel-based children's stories ever written, makes St. Luke's fleeting mention of the Good Thief come alive for children under nine in an electrifying and tender tale of the meaning of forgiveness as Jesus practices it perfectly. Hardcover. 40 pages. Dimensions: 24cm x29cm.

Inspirational Thoughts for Everyday
Written with keen, hopeful, and uplifting insights by Rev. Thomas J. Donaghy, this Spiritual Life Series volume offers readers a Scripture verse, a short reflection, and a concluding prayer for each day. It is a meaningful source of support to begin one's day or a go-to companion that provides an opportunity for communicating with God any time of day. This attractive book boasts a calming blue Dura-Lux cover that is gold stamped and includes a single blue ribbon to help easily locate the daily entry. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Day by Day with St Joseph - Daily Meditations Through the Year
Day by Day with St. Joseph from Catholic Book Publishing is a vital addition to the Spiritual Life Series. Sized for easy reading and transport this inspiring Hardcover Leatherette book brings the reader closer to St. Joseph through daily minute-long meditations which include a Scripture passage, a brief reflection, and a concluding prayer to St. Joseph. Day By Day with St. Joseph was begun by Msgr. Joseph Champlin and completed by Msgr. Kenneth Lasch to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Catholic Book Publishing, Corp. in 2011. It enriches the reader's relationship with St. Joseph by incorporating devotion to him into every day of the year. This beautiful volume is covered in brown imitation leather and has a ribbon for easy place-keeping. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Lent with the Saints
This wonderful booklet is the perfect companion for anyone wishing to grow in virtue and charity over the forty-day journey of Lent. The meditations, drawn from the treasury of the Saints and with their focus on prayer, conversion and self-denial, offer ready sustenance on the grace filled road to Easter.

Catechism of the Catholic Church Revised Second Edition
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is an essential reference for every Catholic and should be readily accessible in every Catholic home. Why? It serves several important functions: (a) It conveys the essential and fundamental content of Catholic faith and morals in a complete and summary way. (b) It is a positive, objective and declarative exposition of Catholic doctrine. (c) It is intended to assist those who have the duty to catechize, namely promoters and teachers of catechesis." Pope St. John Paul II said this about this catechism: "In reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church we can perceive the wonderful unity of the mystery of God." The Catechism of the Catholic Church is divided into four major parts. They are referred to as the "four pillars" on which the Catechism is built. In his Apostolic Constitution promulgating the Catechism, Pope John Paul II called them the "four movements of a great symphony." They are: 1) the Creed - what the Church believes; 2) the Sacraments - what the Church celebrates; 3) the Commandments - what the Church lives, and; 4) the Our Father - what the Church prays. The Catechism consists of 2,865 paragraphs, each of which is numbered. There is an internal cross-referencing system among the paragraphs which makes it simple to find all the passages in the Catechism which treat a particular subject. In addition, the Catechism provides several indices for ease in locating particular passages. Indices are organized according to themes, Scriptural citations, symbols of the faith, documents of ecumenical councils, documents of other councils and synods, pontifical documents, ecclesiastical documents, canon law, liturgical texts and ecclesiastical authors. The Catechism of the Catholic Church originated with a recommendation made at the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in 1985. In 1986 Pope John Paul II appointed a Commission of Cardinals and Bishops to develop a compendium of Catholic doctrine. In 1989 the Commission sent the text to all the Bishops of the world for consultation. In 1990 the Commission examined and evaluated over 24,000 amendments suggested by the world's bishops. The final draft is considerably different from the one that was circulated in 1989. In 1991 the Commission prepared the text for the Holy Father's official approval. On June 25, 1992 Pope John Paul II officially approved the definitive version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. On December 8, 1992 Pope John Paul II promulgated the Catechism with an apostolic constitution. This edition was published in 2012. Size: 18 x 12 x 3cm

Diptych Goldprint Dual Icon Christ the Teacher and Virgin with Child
Dual panel icons featuring Christ the Teacher and the Virgin of Tenderness. Traditional timber with gold print icons. Size: 10 x 8cm

Suede Keepsake Boxed Christ Pantocrator Silver and Gold Plated Icon
Beautiful natural timber and stamped silver and gold plated icon of Christ the Teacher in the style of Christ Pantocrator of the Monastery of St. Catherine Mt. Sinai. Comes presented in a high end red suede keepsake box which will make for that perfect gift for that special occasion. The icon itself will also make for a focused prayer sacramental which will draw all in to the transcendent by its symbolism and inherent beauty. Icon size: 12 x 12cm.

Large Crucifixion of Our Lord Icon with 22k Gold Leaf
Stunning gold leaf framed icon portraying the Crucifixion of Our Lord in large size. This beautiful icon highlights the maternal love of the Blessed Mother who as the Queen of Martyrs suffers alongside her crucified Son. It also features the love of the Beloved Disciple who followed his Divine Master to Calvary and the Cross. This icon of our crucified Lord invites us, like Our Lady and St John, to pick up our daily cross and to follow Him also. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 32 x 25cm

Our Lady of Tenderness with the Christ Child Icon with 22k Gold Leaf
Stunning gold leaf framed icon set featuring Our Lady of Tenderness. This beautiful icon highlights the tender love that Our Lady has for each one of us as exemplified by the love that she has for her divine Son Jesus. This tender love is symbolised by the physical intimacy that we see portrayed in the icon by way of Our Lady and the baby Jesus' cheeks found side by side along with the Bambino's arm wrapped lovingly around His Mother's neck. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm

Our Lady Undoer of Knots Icon with 22k Gold Leaf
Stunning gold leaf framed icon set featuring Our Lady Undoer of Knots. This beautiful image highlights Mary's intercessory power especially in the sphere of family life. Mary Undoer of Knots comes to our rescue when we present our 'knots' to her with the trust that is characteristic of children towards their beloved mother. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful and much turned to addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm.