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Daily Companion for Healing Addictions

Daily Companion for Healing Addictions

This much needed and beautifully presented book provides those who accompany the addicted with a most relevant, practical and heart warming gift. Each page includes a daily reflection, a scripture verse or quote and a prayer for those who struggle with addiction, are in recovery, or are on their way to recovery. Complementing counseling, 12-Step meetings, or retreats, this book will offer encouragement to help bring about healing one day at a time, and with God's help, strengthen one to be of assistance to those who struggle in like manner moving forward. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Picture Book of Saints Hardcover

Picture Book of Saints Hardcover

Now in a padded hardcover edition, Picture Book of Saints by popular author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik S.V.D, recounts the lives of over 100 well-known Saints and Blesseds. Written in a straightforward, easy-to-understand style that will appeal to parents, teachers, and children, the life of each figure in this classic and enduring collection is beautifully illustrated in full color. Picture Book of Saints has been a favorite of Catholics for over sixty years and was expanded in 2015 to include sixteen of the Blesseds and Saints that have been beatified and/or canonized in the 21st century. A short prayer accompanies the biography of each included figure. Picture Book of Saints is an excellent gift idea and a great educational resource for children seeking to know more about and follow the examples of these holy figures. Among the features of this book are: colorfully illustrated and durably sewn padded hardcover binding; large easy-to-read type; a presentation page that allows for easy personalization of this book when used as a gift; a vibrant full-color illustration of each Saint; short, easy-to-understand biographies that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God; the feast day listed for each included Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church; and a concluding Prayer to My Patron Saint. The glorious, full-color illustrations are strikingly beautiful and marked by their fine detail. 144 pages. Age 7-14 Dimensions: 23.5cm x 15.5cm x 3cm

When Someone You Love No Longer Remembers Book

When Someone You Love No Longer Remembers Book

Bestselling author, Cecil Murphey, shares inspired words in offering this much needed book to the reader where with sensitivity and a with a caring spirit, he provides comfort, advice, and prayers for those who journey alongside a loved one whose memory is fading. Tranquil paintings by renowned artist Michal Sparks provide a sanctuary for caregivers, friends, and family members as they draw strength from firsthand stories of those who have walked a similar path. Murphey offers simple, invaluable guidance on how family and caregivers can: Take care of themselves and seek assistance; shape new ways to communicate with their loved one; help others connect with the person; and introduce activities and exercise to enhance health and mobility. For those walking a sometimes lonely journey, this gift offers a gentle voice of support and is a hopeful reminder of the moments of peace that they and their loved one can still experience together. Pages: 64. Size: 16.51 x 1.27 x 17.15 cm

Dark Night of the Soul: A Classic in the Literature of Mysticism

Dark Night of the Soul: A Classic in the Literature of Mysticism

In Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross presents for us a portrait painted from his own experience of one who advances successfully through the struggles of the spiritual life. The dark night that St. John describes is not abandonment by God but special consideration from Him for those who desire to purify and perfect their souls. With a soul purified from earthly attachments, we can advance through the much quoted but oft misunderstood dark night of the soul into unity with God. By accepting the desolation and difficulty of this process, the soul cooperates with God and opens herself to receiving and revealing more perfectly God's glory. Paperback; 218 pages; 21.6x13.9cm

Aboriginal Bracelet with Miraculous Medal

Aboriginal Bracelet with Miraculous Medal

These bracelets have been uniquely handmade for Aid to the Church in Need by our special friend Antoinette who is an Aboriginal Australian. Using traditional coloured beads, a spring steel inner and including a Miraculous Medal, this bracelet encompasses the beauty of this great South Land of the Holy Spirit which has been placed under the patronage of our Mother, Mary help of Christians. Proceeds from the sale of these bracelets assist Antoinette's local community as well as the works of Aid to the Church in need. For bulk sales for schools or parishes, please email us here at

The Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux TAN Books

The Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux TAN Books

The Story of a Soul conveys St Therese of Lisieux’s “Little Way” of spiritual childhood – her “elevator” to Heaven, as she called it. This method was approved by Pope Pius XI as a way for all to grow in holiness through unfailing confidence and childlike delight in God’s merciful love. Again and again in this book, St. Therese shows us how her “Little Way” of love and trust comes straight from Sacred Scripture. This book belongs in every Catholic home, for Pope St Pius X stated St. Therese of Lisieux the “greatest Saint of modern times”. This is the original TAN edition now with updated typesetting, fresh new cover, new size and quality binding, and the same trusted content. Size: 14cm x 22cm. 192 pages.

Daily Companion for Married Couples

Daily Companion for Married Couples

By way of this wonderful book and in a few short minutes, couples will be able to share together the array and richness of the Scripture quotes, Church documents passages, and thoughts from the Saints which make up this daily companion. This book will assuredly provide comfort and guidance for married couples as they seek to spiritually invest in their marriage and live their vocation to the fullest. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Daily Companion for Men - Faux Leather edition

Daily Companion for Men - Faux Leather edition

In this collection of Scripture, reflections, and prayers for each day, noted author, teacher, husband, and father, Allan Wright, provides just the right amount of encouragement and challenge to guide and inspire men of every age and way of life. His own family and faith struggles are certain to speak to those who take a few minutes each day to pray for themselves and others. With an attractive Faux Leather cover, this compelling book makes for that perfect gift for yourself or for that special man in your life whom you want to see grow in their relationship with God. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Our Lady Help of Christians Ghirelli Rosary

Our Lady Help of Christians Ghirelli Rosary

This new and absolutely unique set of Mary Help of Christians rosary beads has been created for ACN by the world renowned Ghirelli family in Italy who have been producing stunning rosaries for the Vatican and Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral for over thirty years. This beautiful set features our beloved national patroness, Mary Help of Christians, holding the Infant Jesus in her arms on the rosary centrepiece. The reverse side is embossed with our very own Southern Cross constellation. The Our Father medals are specially designed as prayer intentions which encourage us to pray for: (1) our nation Australia; (2) the Pope and the needs of the Universal Church; (3) Marriage and Family; (4) and the upholding of the Dignity of Human Life from conception to natural death. The design of the crucifix turns our focus to the Holy Trinity and reminds us to live out our baptismal calling in the everyday. The beads, cobalt in colour, represent Our Lady's maternal Queenship of our souls and the call to pray the rosary daily for peace in our lives, our families, and in the world. BEADS: 6 mm size, cobalt blue color. FINISH: Antique Silver. SIGNATURE: Ghirelli Branding Bar shows authenticity and Made In Italy Quality Assurance. Come with 10cm x 7cm pouch.

Daily Companion for Women Lavender

Daily Companion for Women Lavender

The Scripture, reflection, and prayer for each day are especially suited to every woman who longs to enjoy a more faith-filled life which is drawn from the living efficacy of the Word of God. Spending a few minutes with these uniquely feminine thoughts each day will help increase a woman's capacity to love and be loved as a unique and unrepeatable beloved daughter of God. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

The Wonders of the Mass TAN Books

The Wonders of the Mass TAN Books

The Eucharistic Sacrifice is the bridge between heaven and earth; it is the eternal self-oblation of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Father, the same sacrifice of the God-Man as on Calvary, applied anew everywhere the Mass is prayed. The Mass unites us with God; it acts as a propitiatory sacrifice and brings God into our midst; it heals our soul and transforms us by God's grace; it offers the only satisfactory thanksgiving possible to give God, for it is God offering Himself to Himself; and far, far more—the wonders of the Mass are literally measureless. Mainstay author Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers in The Wonders of the Mass an astounding guide to the meaning and reality of the sacred liturgy, quoting the saints and Our Lord (via revelations to mystics). There is no capacity in which Fr. O'Sullivan fails to extol the Mass—for truly, because it is Jesus Himself present in the Sacrament, we may offer the same praise to the Mass as to God. "The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," says Fr. O'Sullivan, seconded only by "the next greatest wonder. . .the indifference and ignorance of Catholics regarding the Mass." Let The Wonders of the Mass teach you how limitless is the love of God for man in the holy liturgy. Paperback. Author: Fr. Paul O'Sullivan OP. Pages: 43

Favourite Prayers to St Joseph TAN Books

Favourite Prayers to St Joseph TAN Books

Grow in your love and knowledge of our great spiritual father St Joseph! St. Joseph obtains favours of every kind for those who invoke and trust in his fatherly intercession. In this time especially, his intercession is particularly efficacious in the realm of marriage and family, for those seeking fair employment, for chastity, for recovery to health, and of course to experience a happy and holy death. St Joseph is the Patron of the Universal Church so whatever the petition, one can always pray to St. Joseph with utmost confidence. Being chosen by God the Father to be the human father of Jesus Christ on earth, his beloved Son still obeys his requests in heaven! This book contains a veritable treasury of traditional prayers to St Joseph including: Novena for a Special Favour, Litany, the 30 Days' Prayer, Memorare, for Purity, Conversion, a Happy Death. Paperback. 73 Pages.

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