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Triptych 3 Panel Goldprint Icons Virgin of Tenderness with Christ Child and Angels

Triptych 3 Panel Goldprint Icons Virgin of Tenderness with Christ Child and Angels

Triptych icons featuring the Virgin of Tenderness and Christ Child supported by two Archangel panels. Traditional timber with gold print icons. Size: 10 x 8cm

Diptych Goldprint Dual Icon Christ the Teacher and Virgin with Child

Diptych Goldprint Dual Icon Christ the Teacher and Virgin with Child

Dual panel icons featuring Christ the Teacher and the Virgin of Tenderness. Traditional timber with gold print icons. Size: 10 x 8cm

Brass Incense Burner 14cm with hinged lid

Brass Incense Burner 14cm with hinged lid

Wonderfully accessible brass incense burner for use in the setting of the family home. Lid is hinged and closes neatly. Height: 14cm. The offering of incense to God is a practice which dates back to the time of Moses when God gave commands as to how to burn it; "You shall make an altar to burn incense upon … And Aaron shall burn fragrant incense on it; every morning when he dresses the lamps he shall burn it, and when Aaron sets up the lamps in the evening, he shall burn it, a perpetual incense before the Lord throughout your generations. You shall offer no unholy incense thereon." (Ex. 30:1, 7-9). The burning of incense as an offering to God will continue even to the end of the world, as revealed by God to St. John; "And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God." (Rev. 8:3- 5)

Christ the Teacher Icon Panel 42cm with 22k Gold Leaf

Christ the Teacher Icon Panel 42cm with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed 42cm Panel icon set featuring Christ the Teacher in the style of Christ Pantocrator of the Monastery of St. Catherine Mt. Sinai. This icon can be paired with the Virgin and Child ICN014. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 42 x 20cm.

Our Lady of Tenderness with Christ Child Icon Panel 42cm with 22k Gold Leaf

Our Lady of Tenderness with Christ Child Icon Panel 42cm with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed 42cm Panel icon set featuring Our Lady of Tenderness. Possible pairing with ICN015. This beautiful icon highlights the tender love that Our Lady has for each one of us as exemplified by the love that she has for her divine Son Jesus. This tender love is symbolised by the physical intimacy that we see portrayed in the icon by way of Our Lady and the baby Jesus' cheeks found side by side along with the Bambino's arm wrapped lovingly around His Mother's neck. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 42 x 20cm.

4 Panel Icon Triptych Holy Family and Archangels Home Altar

4 Panel Icon Triptych Holy Family and Archangels Home Altar

Stunningly handcrafted and most beautiful home altar Triptych featuring the Holy Family on the central panel. This focal icon highlights the tender love that existed between the Holy Spouses Mary and Joseph and their divine Son Jesus. This tender love is brought to the fore by the physical intimacy that we see portrayed in the icon and which is in itself a call for all couples and families to identify with and to imitate. The three Archangels are found on the supporting icon panels where they not only show their relationship with the Holy Family but also to each of us in their protective, healing and guiding roles. The panels on the left and right of the central icon are hinged and can close shut when one desires to cover the sacredness and mystery of the Holy Family. Material: Natural timber with 22k gold leaf features. Size: 30 x 29cm.

Suede Keepsake Boxed Our Lady of Perpetual Help Silver and Gold Plated Icon

Suede Keepsake Boxed Our Lady of Perpetual Help Silver and Gold Plated Icon

Beautiful natural timber and stamped silver and gold plated icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. This beautiful icon highlights the power of Our Lady's maternal intercessory role as the Mother of God and our mother and where she points us to her Son Jesus as the Saviour of all. Comes presented in a high end red suede keepsake box which will make for that perfect gift for that special occasion. The icon itself will also make for a focused prayer sacramental which will draw all in to the transcendent by its symbolism and inherent beauty. Icon size: 12 x 12cm.

Suede Keepsake Boxed Christ Pantocrator Silver and Gold Plated Icon

Suede Keepsake Boxed Christ Pantocrator Silver and Gold Plated Icon

Beautiful natural timber and stamped silver and gold plated icon of Christ the Teacher in the style of Christ Pantocrator of the Monastery of St. Catherine Mt. Sinai. Comes presented in a high end red suede keepsake box which will make for that perfect gift for that special occasion. The icon itself will also make for a focused prayer sacramental which will draw all in to the transcendent by its symbolism and inherent beauty. Icon size: 12 x 12cm.

Large Crucifixion of Our Lord Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Large Crucifixion of Our Lord Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon portraying the Crucifixion of Our Lord in large size. This beautiful icon highlights the maternal love of the Blessed Mother who as the Queen of Martyrs suffers alongside her crucified Son. It also features the love of the Beloved Disciple who followed his Divine Master to Calvary and the Cross. This icon of our crucified Lord invites us, like Our Lady and St John, to pick up our daily cross and to follow Him also. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 32 x 25cm

Large Holy Family of Nazareth Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Large Holy Family of Nazareth Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon featuring the holy Family of Nazareth. This beautiful icon highlights the tender love that existed between the Holy Spouses Mary and Joseph and their divine Son Jesus. This tender love is brought to the fore by the physical intimacy that we see portrayed in the icon and which is in itself a call for all couples and families to identify with and to imitate. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 32 x 25cm

Our Lady of Tenderness with the Christ Child Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Our Lady of Tenderness with the Christ Child Icon with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon set featuring Our Lady of Tenderness. This beautiful icon highlights the tender love that Our Lady has for each one of us as exemplified by the love that she has for her divine Son Jesus. This tender love is symbolised by the physical intimacy that we see portrayed in the icon by way of Our Lady and the baby Jesus' cheeks found side by side along with the Bambino's arm wrapped lovingly around His Mother's neck. It will undoubtedly make a beautiful addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm

Icon of Saint Michael the Archangel with 22k Gold Leaf

Icon of Saint Michael the Archangel with 22k Gold Leaf

Stunning gold leaf framed icon featuring Saint Michael the Archangel. The name Michael signifies "Who is like to God?" and was the war cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against Satan and his followers. Holy Scripture describes St. Michael as "one of the chief princes," and leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over the powers of hell. He has been especially honoured and invoked as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles. Pope Leo XII composed the famous and oft recited 'St Michael the Archangel prayer' which calls for the intercession of this great saint especially in time of demonic oppression. This striking representation of the powerful leader of the angelic host will undoubtedly make a beautiful and much turned to addition to any home or devotional area. Comes packaged with 'Made in Greece certification'. Base material: Traditional timber with 22k gold leaf. Size: 18 x 14cm. St Michael the Archangel prayer: Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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