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Madonna Keepsake Box

Madonna Keepsake Box

This beautiful rosary box features the Madonna and Child.

My Cup Overflows Mug

My Cup Overflows Mug

This beautiful mug features the Scripture passage Psalm 23:5.

The Lord Refreshes My Soul Mug

The Lord Refreshes My Soul Mug

This beautiful mug features the Scripture passage Psalm 23:3.

You Are a Blessing Mug

You Are a Blessing Mug

Start your morning the right way with coffee and scripture!

Man of God Mug

Man of God Mug

“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness." I Timothy 6:11

Monastique Skin Food 60g

Monastique Skin Food 60g

For over fifty years, the Carmelite nuns in Kew, Victoria have been producing skin and beauty products to support themselves and their monastery. Monastique products are made from the finest ingredients, and all with the sisters’ trademark peace, prayer and unhurried care. Monastique is a pleasure to give and joy to receive.

St John Paul II Mug

St John Paul II Mug

That Catholic Shop is proud to stock products from 40fied, an Australian brand that hopes to enhance the spiritual journey of each and every Catholic. 40fied products are unique with contemporary designs with the purpose of reminding us of our Faith in everything we do everyday.

St Raphael Mug

St Raphael Mug

That Catholic Shop is proud to stock products from 40fied, an Australian brand that hopes to enhance the spiritual journey of each and every Catholic. 40fied products are unique with contemporary designs with the purpose of reminding us of our Faith in everything we do everyday.

Desire of Your Heart Mug

Desire of Your Heart Mug

“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” Psalm 20:4

Be Brave Mug

Be Brave Mug

Seize the day and start it off with a hot drink poured into your Be Brave Ceramic Mug. Keep this mug to remind yourself that you are braver than you think then go out and do hard things.

Be Grateful Mug

Be Grateful Mug

Start your day with a warm cuppa sipped from this Be Grateful Ceramic Mug. This soft pink mug is crafted from heat-holding ceramic and holds ten fluid ounces of goodness! 

Hope & A Future Classic Pen

Hope & A Future Classic Pen

Give the Hope & a Future Classic Pen to a graduate, friend or family member embarking on a new journey such as starting university, a new job, or a new phase of life to remind them to be brave in the face of the unknown and rely on God for their strength.

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