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St Josemaria Escriva once said, "Don't neglect your spiritual reading - reading has made many saints". To grow in faith we must read. Read to learn, read to pray, read to be inspired with our range of books.


Good St. Anne – Her Power and Dignity

Good St. Anne – Her Power and Dignity

A most comprehensive booklet on St. Anne including a historical review of her major relics which can be venerated to this day in Apt, France and, for those in NSW, in the parish church of St Anne's Bondi where a relic of her finger bone can be found. St. Anne, the beloved Mother of Our Lady and Grandmother of Our Lord, has proved herself a heavenly helper for every need. She is especially invoked as Patroness of Mothers, Comfort of the Sorrowing, Mother of the Poor, Health of the Sick, Patroness of the Childless, Help of the Pregnant, Model of Married Women and Mothers, Protectress of Widows and Patroness of Laborers. Softcover. 80 pages. 9.53 x 0.51 x 15.24 cm

Daily Companion for Caregivers

Daily Companion for Caregivers

Serving as a caregiver for a family member, friend, or dependent takes abundant wisdom, patience, courage, and the help of God. The daily provision of Scripture, reflection and prayer included in this special book will serve as an indispensable support for those who by nature, circumstance or profession, are immersed in tending to the physical, emotional, and everyday needs of those they care for. Nurses, doctors, police, rescue personnel‚ as well as anyone caring for a loved one‚ will do well to keep this prayer book close at hand to strengthen their compassion and empathy with whomever they are called to walk with. This remarkable book makes for that perfect gift for yourself or for someone you love! 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

My First Mass Book

My First Mass Book

The Mass is at the heart of the Catholic Faith and it is the responsibility of every parent to teach their children about this most beautiful gift of God Himself. The 'My First Mass Book' features beautiful colour illustrations of the Mass, the Life of Christ, and a wonderful section on Traditional Catholic prayers that, in time, will become a staple and underpinning element of the child's spiritual life. This book should be in the hand of every child as they are introduced to the Most Holy Eucharist. Hardcover. Gold stamped with gilded edges. 96 pages.

Healing Prayers For Every Day Companion

Healing Prayers For Every Day Companion

This uplifting and beautifully presented book in the Spiritual Life Series, sets forth efficacious and encouraging prayers for the healing of soul and body. Each day contains a specific Scripture quotation, reflection, and prayer to facilitate healing in one's life. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation of Christ

Treasured by saints since it first appeared in 1418, The Imitation of Christ remains a classic amongst Catholics the world over. Interestingly, it was the sole spiritual reading of St. Therese of Lisieux, who loved it so much she committed it to memory. The Imitation of Christ provides us with concrete counsel and consolation in our pursuit of holiness. Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange asserts that the true mysticism of which it speaks is accessible to all, if they are willing to follow the way of humility, the cross, continual prayer, and docility to the Holy Ghost. This book is both a must read and a must re-read. With its simple, readable text, and a short reflection from the Documents of Vatican II for each chapter this edition will appeal to new readers as well as to those already familiar with this popular devotional. Imitation leather; 448 pages; 10x16cm.

Daily Companion For Peace Of Heart

Daily Companion For Peace Of Heart

Reflecting daily on the completely updated writings of St. John Henry Newman, surrounded by a Scripture verse and brief prayer will give readers a good deal to ponder and appreciate about the Catholic faith and God’s enormous love. This contemporary version of convert, Catholic priest, and Saint’s classic and timeless thoughts is for every reader who desires deeper faith and a closer walk with the Lord. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Daily Companion for Healing Addictions

Daily Companion for Healing Addictions

This much needed and beautifully presented book provides those who accompany the addicted with a most relevant, practical and heart warming gift. Each page includes a daily reflection, a scripture verse or quote and a prayer for those who struggle with addiction, are in recovery, or are on their way to recovery. Complementing counseling, 12-Step meetings, or retreats, this book will offer encouragement to help bring about healing one day at a time, and with God's help, strengthen one to be of assistance to those who struggle in like manner moving forward. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Picture Book of Saints Hardcover

Picture Book of Saints Hardcover

Now in a padded hardcover edition, Picture Book of Saints by popular author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik S.V.D, recounts the lives of over 100 well-known Saints and Blesseds. Written in a straightforward, easy-to-understand style that will appeal to parents, teachers, and children, the life of each figure in this classic and enduring collection is beautifully illustrated in full color. Picture Book of Saints has been a favorite of Catholics for over sixty years and was expanded in 2015 to include sixteen of the Blesseds and Saints that have been beatified and/or canonized in the 21st century. A short prayer accompanies the biography of each included figure. Picture Book of Saints is an excellent gift idea and a great educational resource for children seeking to know more about and follow the examples of these holy figures. Among the features of this book are: colorfully illustrated and durably sewn padded hardcover binding; large easy-to-read type; a presentation page that allows for easy personalization of this book when used as a gift; a vibrant full-color illustration of each Saint; short, easy-to-understand biographies that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God; the feast day listed for each included Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church; and a concluding Prayer to My Patron Saint. The glorious, full-color illustrations are strikingly beautiful and marked by their fine detail. 144 pages. Age 7-14 Dimensions: 23.5cm x 15.5cm x 3cm

When Someone You Love No Longer Remembers Book

When Someone You Love No Longer Remembers Book

Bestselling author, Cecil Murphey, shares inspired words in offering this much needed book to the reader where with sensitivity and a with a caring spirit, he provides comfort, advice, and prayers for those who journey alongside a loved one whose memory is fading. Tranquil paintings by renowned artist Michal Sparks provide a sanctuary for caregivers, friends, and family members as they draw strength from firsthand stories of those who have walked a similar path. Murphey offers simple, invaluable guidance on how family and caregivers can: Take care of themselves and seek assistance; shape new ways to communicate with their loved one; help others connect with the person; and introduce activities and exercise to enhance health and mobility. For those walking a sometimes lonely journey, this gift offers a gentle voice of support and is a hopeful reminder of the moments of peace that they and their loved one can still experience together. Pages: 64. Size: 16.51 x 1.27 x 17.15 cm

Daily Companion for Married Couples

Daily Companion for Married Couples

By way of this wonderful book and in a few short minutes, couples will be able to share together the array and richness of the Scripture quotes, Church documents passages, and thoughts from the Saints which make up this daily companion. This book will assuredly provide comfort and guidance for married couples as they seek to spiritually invest in their marriage and live their vocation to the fullest. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Daily Companion for Men - Faux Leather edition

Daily Companion for Men - Faux Leather edition

In this collection of Scripture, reflections, and prayers for each day, noted author, teacher, husband, and father, Allan Wright, provides just the right amount of encouragement and challenge to guide and inspire men of every age and way of life. His own family and faith struggles are certain to speak to those who take a few minutes each day to pray for themselves and others. With an attractive Faux Leather cover, this compelling book makes for that perfect gift for yourself or for that special man in your life whom you want to see grow in their relationship with God. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Daily Companion for Women Lavender

Daily Companion for Women Lavender

The Scripture, reflection, and prayer for each day are especially suited to every woman who longs to enjoy a more faith-filled life which is drawn from the living efficacy of the Word of God. Spending a few minutes with these uniquely feminine thoughts each day will help increase a woman's capacity to love and be loved as a unique and unrepeatable beloved daughter of God. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

The Wonders of the Mass TAN Books

The Wonders of the Mass TAN Books

The Eucharistic Sacrifice is the bridge between heaven and earth; it is the eternal self-oblation of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Father, the same sacrifice of the God-Man as on Calvary, applied anew everywhere the Mass is prayed. The Mass unites us with God; it acts as a propitiatory sacrifice and brings God into our midst; it heals our soul and transforms us by God's grace; it offers the only satisfactory thanksgiving possible to give God, for it is God offering Himself to Himself; and far, far more—the wonders of the Mass are literally measureless. Mainstay author Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers in The Wonders of the Mass an astounding guide to the meaning and reality of the sacred liturgy, quoting the saints and Our Lord (via revelations to mystics). There is no capacity in which Fr. O'Sullivan fails to extol the Mass—for truly, because it is Jesus Himself present in the Sacrament, we may offer the same praise to the Mass as to God. "The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," says Fr. O'Sullivan, seconded only by "the next greatest wonder. . .the indifference and ignorance of Catholics regarding the Mass." Let The Wonders of the Mass teach you how limitless is the love of God for man in the holy liturgy. Paperback. Author: Fr. Paul O'Sullivan OP. Pages: 43

Favourite Prayers to St Joseph TAN Books

Favourite Prayers to St Joseph TAN Books

Grow in your love and knowledge of our great spiritual father St Joseph! St. Joseph obtains favours of every kind for those who invoke and trust in his fatherly intercession. In this time especially, his intercession is particularly efficacious in the realm of marriage and family, for those seeking fair employment, for chastity, for recovery to health, and of course to experience a happy and holy death. St Joseph is the Patron of the Universal Church so whatever the petition, one can always pray to St. Joseph with utmost confidence. Being chosen by God the Father to be the human father of Jesus Christ on earth, his beloved Son still obeys his requests in heaven! This book contains a veritable treasury of traditional prayers to St Joseph including: Novena for a Special Favour, Litany, the 30 Days' Prayer, Memorare, for Purity, Conversion, a Happy Death. Paperback. 73 Pages.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart TAN Books

Devotion to the Sacred Heart TAN Books

'Devotion to the Sacred Heart' is a powerful little booklet filled with many of the treasures to be found in the veneration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Besides containing an explanation of the symbolism found within the Image of the Sacred Heart, it also includes explanations of the 9 First Fridays devotion, known as The Great Promise, the miraculous cure of St. Gemma Galgani as well as many profound exhortations to offer reparation to the Sacred Heart. Authoritative and moving, Our Lord instituted this devotion Himself, saying: " I set neither limit nor measure to My gifts of grace for those who seek them in My heart." In our age of religious indifference, when fervor and charity have grown cold, Jesus exhibits to the world His Sacred Heart as the symbol of God s infinite love showing His Divine Heart as a furnace whose burning rays of love are able to reanimate faith and rekindle love in hearts grown cold and ungrateful. 80 Pages

Uniformity with God's Will by St Alphonsus de Liguori

Uniformity with God's Will by St Alphonsus de Liguori

Written in 1755, Uniformity with God's Will, is a wonderful little treatise on the true love of God. Saint Alphonsus de Liguori writes to encourage believers to unify their wills with that of God's, so that they may love God perfectly: "the more one unites his will with the divine will, the greater will be his love of God." To choose otherwise, i.e. to choose not to unify one's will with God's, is "a kind of idolatry." These seven short chapters, not simply prone to abstract speculation, explore concretely how to make one's own will uniform with God's through the hardships of this life. Further, the book discusses the fruit of such a union with God's will: happiness. St Alphonsus concludes by noting how, in all things, Christians must remain steadfast in their union with God's will. For in so doing, God will "press us to his heart." Challenging and encouraging, Uniformity with God's Will has the power to remind us of what true love of God really is. 32 pages.

The Thief Who Stole Heaven Children's Book by Raymond Arroyo

The Thief Who Stole Heaven Children's Book by Raymond Arroyo

Raymond Arroyo's evocative new book will take its place in the pantheon of classics for Christian children. Majestically illustrated by Randy Gallegos, this inspiring story begins when the Holy Family is set upon by roadside thieves. Jesus is a young boy--and the lead bandit is the Bad Thief. His accomplice is a young man named Dismas, later the Good Thief. Remembering his own mother and family, Dismas is moved with compassion and persuades the leader to let the Holy Family go. He does not change his ways, but while on the cross many years later, Dismas is caught in the entrancing gaze of the Blessed Mother from under his own cross. He suddenly realizes that the man suffering horribly next to him was the captivating boy on that fateful day long ago. He instantly asks Jesus for forgiveness--and knowing exactly who he is, Jesus forgives Dismas, assuring him of Paradise that very day. "Wonder, in a child, is the beginning of worship," said a children's book publisher nearly a century ago. Author Arroyo, in one of the most beautiful Gospel-based children's stories ever written, makes St. Luke's fleeting mention of the Good Thief come alive for children under nine in an electrifying and tender tale of the meaning of forgiveness as Jesus practices it perfectly. Hardcover. 40 pages. Dimensions: 24cm x29cm.

Joseph's Donkey Children's Book by Anthony DeStefano

Joseph's Donkey Children's Book by Anthony DeStefano

Joseph’s Donkey by renowned children's author Anthony DeStefano and beautifully illustrated by Juliana Kolesova, is the heartwarming tale of a noble donkey purchased by St. Joseph shortly before his marriage to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The trusted creature helps Joseph in his carpentry business by hauling wood and stones, but he also plays a key role in all the major events recorded in the Infancy Narratives in the he carries Mary to Bethlehem, where she gives birth to Jesus; he takes the Holy Family to Egypt to escape the evil king Herod; and he shuttles the family to Jerusalem, where the twelve-year-old Jesus gets “lost” in the Temple and is then found again. This rich and beautifully illustrated book will be a source of stirring entertainment for children, who will fall in love with the strong, dignified, humble, hardworking donkey. But more importantly, Joseph’s Donkey will introduce children in a potent way to the mysterious and wonderful character of St. Joseph himself. For the donkey in this story is a mirror image of the honorable head of the Holy Family. Thus, in coming to know and cherish the donkey, children will come to appreciate and grow close to Jesus’ foster father ― the person whom God the Father chose above all others to watch over, guide, and protect His only begotten Son. Hardcover. 40 pages. Dimensions: 24cm x29cm.

Our Lady's Wardrobe Children's Book

Our Lady's Wardrobe Children's Book

This delightful rhyming book by renowned children's author Anthony DeStefano and beautifully illustrated by Juliana Kolesova, introduces Catholic children to the Blessed Virgin Mary in a fun and simple way—through her clothes! When Our Lady lived in Nazareth two thousand years ago, she was very poor and probably didn’t have many nice things to wear. But now that she’s in Heaven, she has an enormous mansion. And in that mansion she has an incredibly beautiful wardrobe filled with a great variety of dresses, veils, slippers, sashes, robes, rings and crowns. Over the centuries, Our Lady has visited the people of Earth many times. On each of these occasions she has dressed very differently. This is the story of some of her most famous apparitions, highlighting the clothes she wore and the things she did. By reading this book, children will not only learn about the Mother of God, but will also learn the main purpose of her life - to love and serve her son, Jesus Christ, and to lead others to do the same. Hardcover. 40 pages.

Nine Months with God and Your baby - Spiritual Preparation for Birth

Nine Months with God and Your baby - Spiritual Preparation for Birth

Amidst the doctor visits, the showers, and the physical and emotional changes that come with pregnancy, it’s easy to forget to prepare yourself spiritually to welcome your newborn into the world. That’s why Éline Landon crafted for you these maternal reflections and gathered these gentle Scripture passages ― to help you prayerfully live each month of your pregnancy according to God’s loving plan. As the birth of your child approaches, turn to these loving pages to refresh your soul, strengthen your faith, and gain inspiration from the example set by the many expectant couples in Scripture: From the Old Testament, Hannah will show you and your spouse how to wait patiently for the conception of the child you so desire. Tobias and Sarah will help you order your priorities in a way that produces a strong, stable family. Our Lady will teach you how to bear the uncertainties of pregnancy and prepare to raise a family without fear. The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth will help you experience Christ's presence through the child you carry in your own womb. With the gifts of the Holy Spirit revealed here, you will learn to overcome discouragement. The Infant Jesus in the manger will teach you how to prepare interiorly for childbirth. And even Mary Magdalene will come to your aid, revealing to you certain crucial duties you have as a parent, in addition to caring for your baby. Whether you are hoping and praying for the conception of a child or are already expecting, this beautiful book will open your eyes and your heart to the grandeur of God's plan for your family and to the unfathomable love with which He cares for those who trust in Him. Paperback: ‎120 pages. 12.45 x 1.27 x 17.53cm.

Mary Day by Day - Daily Meditations Through the Year

Mary Day by Day - Daily Meditations Through the Year

Give yourself the gift of simultaneously brief and profound prayer that will enhance your devotion to the Blessed Mother each day of the year. Mary Day by Day, a gem in our Spiritual Life Series, presents a Scripture verse, a reflection from a Saint, and a prayer for each day. The three elements of each day’s meditation are closely intertwined and will plant in your mind and heart a precious seed that will grow and bloom throughout the day. With just one minute’s meditation each morning, afternoon, or night, by year’s end you will have cultivated an abundant spiritual garden, increasing your appreciation of all of the levels of Mary’s “Fiat” and its ripples through time and eternity. This book’s perfect size makes it easy to fit wherever you plan to use it—on a nightstand, in a car’s glove compartment, in a briefcase—and its rich blue cover, embossed with elegant gold, will encourage you to engage in daily prayer. A satin ribbon marker will help you to find your place quickly each day, increasing ease of use. With Mary Day by Day close at hand, and with the daily reflection that this book will inspire, you just might find yourself following the Blessed Mother’s example more closely and answering “yes” to God more readily and heartily. This remarkable book makes for that perfect gift for yourself or for someone you love!192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

Inspirational Thoughts for Everyday

Inspirational Thoughts for Everyday

Written with keen, hopeful, and uplifting insights by Rev. Thomas J. Donaghy, this Spiritual Life Series volume offers readers a Scripture verse, a short reflection, and a concluding prayer for each day. It is a meaningful source of support to begin one's day or a go-to companion that provides an opportunity for communicating with God any time of day. This attractive book boasts a calming blue Dura-Lux cover that is gold stamped and includes a single blue ribbon to help easily locate the daily entry. 192 pages. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

How the Angels Got Their Wings

How the Angels Got Their Wings

Who IS that angel that we see perched atop the Christmas tree? And how can angels fly so high, soaring through the snowy sky? And why do angels dress in white? And do the angels ever fight?Who made the angels? Any clue? He who made them made YOU too! With these charming rhyming verses, renowned Children's author Anthony DeStefano begins this enchanting children’s book on perhaps the most fascinating of all God’s creatures — the angels. How the Angels Got Their Wings is a winsome introduction to the story of the angels — pure spiritual beings of extraordinary power made by God to assist Him in carrying out His will. Beginning with the creation of the angels and the “war in Heaven” between the good angels and the bad, this book introduces children to the famous archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael — as well as to Satan, the ringleader of the fallen angels, who chose to rebel against God. This book also acquaints children with those special angels who are here with us right now, helping to protect and guide us — our guardian angels. It shows children how angels can assist them with all the problems they encounter in life, from communicating with others to choosing between right and wrong, and can protect them from physical harm. How the Angels Got Their Wings is a beautifully illustrated, highly entertaining, biblically correct, and theologically orthodox introduction to angels. Once children read it, they will be forever comforted in knowing that God’s love for them is so strong that He gave them not only His Son, but the angels above so they will never, ever be alone in life. Dimensions: 23cm x 29cm.

Day by Day with St Joseph - Daily Meditations Through the Year

Day by Day with St Joseph - Daily Meditations Through the Year

Day by Day with St. Joseph from Catholic Book Publishing is a vital addition to the Spiritual Life Series. Sized for easy reading and transport this inspiring Hardcover Leatherette book brings the reader closer to St. Joseph through daily minute-long meditations which include a Scripture passage, a brief reflection, and a concluding prayer to St. Joseph. Day By Day with St. Joseph was begun by Msgr. Joseph Champlin and completed by Msgr. Kenneth Lasch to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Catholic Book Publishing, Corp. in 2011. It enriches the reader's relationship with St. Joseph by incorporating devotion to him into every day of the year. This beautiful volume is covered in brown imitation leather and has a ribbon for easy place-keeping. Dimensions: 10.2cm x 16cm.

St. Michael the Archangel Booklet

St. Michael the Archangel Booklet

From the Old Testament times until today, St. Michael the Archangel has always powerfully defended and assisted God's people on earth. Based on Scripture, Church history and saintly traditions, this booklet explains St. Michael's name, his rank among the Angels, his victory over Satan, his role among the Israelites, his role as Guardian Angel of the Catholic Church, as defender of souls, Heavenly Physician, helper in battle, advocate of the dying, consoler of the Poor Souls in Purgatory and guardian of the Blessed Sacrament and the Pope. Also included are the apparition and victory at Monte Gargano, the huge shrine to the Archangel on Mont St. Michel, the vision of Pope Leo XIII and St. Michael's role to come at the End of Time. Here too is a treasury of prayers, including the famous Chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel. A goldmine of traditional facts which will be an eye-opener and an encouragement to all Catholics in our daily spiritual battles! About The Author: The Benedictine Nuns of Perpetual Adoration are a monastic community with a ministry dedicated to prayer. Founded by Mother Mary Felber in 1874, the nuns now live under a Rule and a Prioress, and are strongly devoted to the practice of Eucharistic Adoration. Their monasteries are located in Missouri, Arizona, and Wyoming, and their dwellings are united under a central Congregation. The Benedictines support themselves by working with altar bread, correspondence, and handcrafts. Publisher: TAN Books. 72 pages. Dimensions: 15.2cm x 9.5cm

A Hiker's Guide to Purgatory: A Novel

A Hiker's Guide to Purgatory: A Novel

New from Ignatius Press! "Norton goes where most authors fear to tread: the journey of a soul through the barren deserts, dark forests and daunting mountain ranges of Purgatory. He’s created an adventure story in the tradition of the medieval quest and a meditation on the many obstacles to holiness that may be encountered and, ultimately overcome, in life." — Fiorella Nash, Author. One morning, attorney Dan Geary, seventy-seven years old, finds himself in the middle of a rolling, polychrome landscape. The greens are bold and bright. Birds sing in the distance. Tall grasses surge like a sea before the wind. He has never seen anything quite like it. But somehow—with the doctors and beeping monitors suddenly gone—he knows exactly where he is: the afterlife. What a relief not to be floating on a cloud, playing a harp. Instead, a hiking pack full of gear sits on his back, and he feels the familiar itch to start walking toward the far-off mountains. But he finds there is no trail, no map, no signage, and no one else in sight. As gorgeous as the scenery is, Dan feels in his bones: this is Purgatory. Growing up, he'd imagined Purgatory as a detention center for delinquent children. What a surprise to see its beauty, and to feel so much hope. Yet along the winding way, Dan starts recognizing his tangled, imperfect, often wasted life, and he wonders if he will ever be ready to meet God. With no clue how long his hike will take, he gradually learns—through memories and through encounters with other Heaven-bound hikers—how to desire the good, how to wait, and how to long for love. With confessional honesty and a sense of humor, this book reimagines the purification of the afterlife as a tough journey saturated with faith, hope, and love—and with overwhelming beauty. Pages: 267. Dimensions: 20.5cm x 13.5cm x 2cm

The Secret of the Rosary by Saint Louis Marie De Montfort

The Secret of the Rosary by Saint Louis Marie De Montfort

Probably the finest book ever written about the power and spiritual efficacy of the Most Holy Rosary. Saint Louis Marie De Montfort, the author of the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, used the rosary to combat the lukewarmness in the faith that was rampant in his own day. With his book, The Secret of the Rosary, this same saint will enflame us with the necessary zeal to be apostles of Our Lady in our own day where the rosary is more sorely needed than at any time in history! From the preface of the Secret of the Rosary: "Drawing upon his own experience as well as upon the experience of others, the author endeavours to bring home to the reader, in a simple and straightforward manner the authentic message of the Rosary; namely, that it is a veritable school of Christian life. He sees it as including essentially the meditation of the mysteries of the life, death and glory of Jesus and Mary, with a view not only to honoring but especially imitating their virtues as held up to our consideration in each mystery. For our Saint, the Rosary was not simply a method of prayer: it was his most effective tool and weapon in his apostolic work. He preached it in season and out of season; established it in every parish where he gave a mission and judged the fruits of the mission by the subsequent perseverance in its recitation. There was no limit to the power of the Rosary and to it he attributed much of his success with sinners. 'Let me but place my rosary around a sinner's neck and he will not escape me.' This book was written three centuries ago, it is true, but it has lost none of its freshness and timeliness. Indeed, today, in the light of the specific requests of Our Lady of Fatima, it will be doubly welcomed by all true clients of Our Lady. We feel confident that it will bring many souls to a better understanding of the Rosary not only as a prayer but especially as a way of spiritual life. 120 pages. Dimensions: 24.5 x 15.5 x 3.8cm.

Faux Leather Classic Journal - Be Still & Know Teal

Faux Leather Classic Journal - Be Still & Know Teal

Use the beautiful Be Still & Know Teal Blue Faux Leather Classic Journal to put down your thoughts and inspirations during your prayer time. Cultivate the habit of self-reflection and bringing your heart's desires before the LORD. The classic journal has a teal faux leather flexcover with a large, heat debossed tree full of gold foiled blossoms that spans the front and back covers. A bird in flight draws your attention to the comforting heat debossed sentiment; "Be still and know that I am God". (Psalm 46:10) The spiritual comfort continues with a series of unique Scripture verses printed at the bottom of each lined page. The ideal weight of the 366 pages minimizes bleed through from pen ink. To make gift-giving more convenient, a presentation page that allows you to write a short message is included in the journal's front. The pages are gilt-edged to give the journal an added touch of elegance. Perfect for gifting for that special occasion. Key Features: Heat debossed tree design with gold foil accents. Teal faux leather. Flexcover. Ribbon marker. Thick paper minimizes bleed through. Scripture on each page. Size: 21.8 x 15.5 x 2.3cm. 336 lined pages.

Mary Undoer of Knots Novena Booklet

Mary Undoer of Knots Novena Booklet

Mary Undoer of Knots comes to our rescue when we present our 'knots' to her especially those which affect the Christian life of our families. This booklet contains the background story, the novena and supporting information. 40 Pages

$7 .50
Catechism of the Catholic Church Revised Second Edition

Catechism of the Catholic Church Revised Second Edition

The Catechism of the Catholic Church is an essential reference for every Catholic and should be readily accessible in every Catholic home. Why? It serves several important functions: (a) It conveys the essential and fundamental content of Catholic faith and morals in a complete and summary way. (b) It is a positive, objective and declarative exposition of Catholic doctrine. (c) It is intended to assist those who have the duty to catechize, namely promoters and teachers of catechesis." Pope St. John Paul II said this about this catechism: "In reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church we can perceive the wonderful unity of the mystery of God." The Catechism of the Catholic Church is divided into four major parts. They are referred to as the "four pillars" on which the Catechism is built. In his Apostolic Constitution promulgating the Catechism, Pope John Paul II called them the "four movements of a great symphony." They are: 1) the Creed - what the Church believes; 2) the Sacraments - what the Church celebrates; 3) the Commandments - what the Church lives, and; 4) the Our Father - what the Church prays. The Catechism consists of 2,865 paragraphs, each of which is numbered. There is an internal cross-referencing system among the paragraphs which makes it simple to find all the passages in the Catechism which treat a particular subject. In addition, the Catechism provides several indices for ease in locating particular passages. Indices are organized according to themes, Scriptural citations, symbols of the faith, documents of ecumenical councils, documents of other councils and synods, pontifical documents, ecclesiastical documents, canon law, liturgical texts and ecclesiastical authors. The Catechism of the Catholic Church originated with a recommendation made at the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in 1985. In 1986 Pope John Paul II appointed a Commission of Cardinals and Bishops to develop a compendium of Catholic doctrine. In 1989 the Commission sent the text to all the Bishops of the world for consultation. In 1990 the Commission examined and evaluated over 24,000 amendments suggested by the world's bishops. The final draft is considerably different from the one that was circulated in 1989. In 1991 the Commission prepared the text for the Holy Father's official approval. On June 25, 1992 Pope John Paul II officially approved the definitive version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. On December 8, 1992 Pope John Paul II promulgated the Catechism with an apostolic constitution. Size: 18 x 12 x 3cm

My First Communion Prayer Book for Boys - Hardcover

My First Communion Prayer Book for Boys - Hardcover

This is a highly recommended item! A truly beautiful and well prepared Hardcover First Holy Communion prayerbook for children which contains the following essential elements of the Faith for young people: Order of the Mass The Beatitudes Prayers of the Rosary Stations of the Cross Sacrament of Reconciliation Daily Prayers Space for reflective writing 132pages. Size: 12.5cm x 9cm x 1.5cm.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta: A Personal Portrait

Mother Teresa of Calcutta: A Personal Portrait

This book is very highly recommended! Mother Teresa’s life sounds like a legend: the Albanian girl who entered an Irish order to go to India as a missionary and became an Angel of the Poor for countless people. Fr. Leo Maasburg was there as her close companion for many years, traveling with her throughout the world and was witness to countless miracles and incredible little-known occurrences. In this personal portrait of the beloved nun, he presents amazing stories about her that most people have never heard, wonderful and delightful stories about miracles, small and great, that he was privileged to experience at Mother Teresa’s side. They all tell of her limitless trust in God’s love, of the way the power of faith can move mountains, and of hope that can never die. These stories reveal a humorous, gifted, wise, and arresting woman who has a message of real hope for our time. It’s the life story of one of the most important women of the twentieth century as it has never been told before. Dim: 20x18cm Pages: 206

I Know the Plans I Have for You Faux Leather Journal

I Know the Plans I Have for You Faux Leather Journal

The 'I Know the Plans I Have for you' Floral Trellis Navy Blue Faux Leather Classic Journal is the perfect gift to encourage those reflective moments we all need in order to live a well balanced and ordered life. The reassuring message will set their hearts alight to plan big plans for their future, knowing that God has already laid the groundwork. The blue faux leather cover of the classic journal is heat-debossed with an ornate floral trellis design that starts on the back cover and makes its way around the spine to where it spills over onto the front cover. Here the trellis design is kept at bay by the shiny gold-foiled sentiment that is presented in a vertical column in a multi-font design. The full verse is: "I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "Plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." Jeremiah 29:11 A heat-debossed rectangular frame secures the design, and topstitching along the rounded edges of the journal adds strength to the construction. Three hundred and thirty-six gilt-edged pages within this journal are all lined. Each also has a special and carefully selected Bible verse printed at its base. A small dotted line in the outer top corner of each page is perfect for recording dates or content titles. An attached blue satin ribbon marker is tucked between the pages to hold your place for easy reference and accessibility. Features: Heat-debossed framed flowering trellis cover design; Navy blue faux leather cover; Gold-foiled title; Flexcover; Topstitched cover edges; Attached ribbon marker; Gilt-edged pages; 336 lined pages Scripture on every page; Packaged in an individual cellophane bag. Size: 21.8 x 15.5 x 2.3 cm.

Wire Bound All Things through Christ Hardcover Journal

Wire Bound All Things through Christ Hardcover Journal

The holistic benefits of journaling are coming to the forefront of healthy living conversations more and more in a world that is increasingly fast paced and AI driven. Ditch loose-leaf paper in favor of this durable, stylish hardcover journal. The gold-tone wirebound spine allows the journal to lay flat for easy writing – great for a lefty or a righty! The lined pages include generous blank space as well as short Scripture verses. Begin to memorize Scripture with these bite-sized verses, carefully selected and printed on each page. Write special memories, fun ideas, personal thoughts, and even homework notes in this versatile journal. Features: Vibrant multi-color floral cover design; I can do all things through Christ Philippians 4:13; Hardcover; Wirebound; 192 lined pages. Size: 213 x 163 x 25mm.

A Biblical Herbal. "The Greatest Herbal Story Ever Told"

A Biblical Herbal. "The Greatest Herbal Story Ever Told"

This is the perfect gift or reference book for anyone with the proverbial green thumb or anyone who has a particular aspiration for one! Every herb and spice now available in the modern world has its own unique story in history. This is particularly the case with those herbs and spices that have biblical connections. This wonderfully researched and beautifully presented hardcover edition by author Blair Montague-Drake, presents over eighty herbal subjects with each entry including a selected biblical reference along with its botanical reference. It includes a myriad of fascinating information about the use of each herb through history all the while accompanied by the original and most glorious illustrations from the hands of gifted illustrator Linda Martin. Hardcover with sleeve. 198 pages. Dimensions: 30cm x 21.5cm x 2cm.

My First Communion Prayer Book for Girls - Hardcover

My First Communion Prayer Book for Girls - Hardcover

This is a highly recommended item! A truly beautiful and well prepared Hardcover First Holy Communion prayerbook for children which contains the following essential elements of the Faith for young people: Order of the Mass The Beatitudes Prayers of the Rosary Stations of the Cross Sacrament of Reconciliation Daily Prayers Space for reflective writing 132pages. Size: 12.5cm x 9cm x 1.5cm.

Jesus Loves Me Lamb Puppet with Book Demdaco

Jesus Loves Me Lamb Puppet with Book Demdaco

The cute Jesus Loves Me Puppet Book is a wonderful present for any little one on your list. This two-in-one set (puppet and detachable book) is perfect for bringing stories to life, with a brightly colored soft storybook with the lyrics to the 'Jesus Loves Me' lullaby inside and a soft plush puppet to let the child act out the story as they read. This line is designed to inspire the imagination and encourage learning and play among every little boy and girl. It features playful characters and bold colors that will get kids excited to learn something new. This item is designed with safety-tested materials, soft fabrics and unique features, making it a wonderful gifting option for any little one. Packaged and ready to gift, this fun puppet book is the perfect present for any little one, new parent or expecting parent on your list. Material: Polyester, velcro. Product Care: Surface washable. Dimensions: Puppet H 24cm W 20cm L 9cm. Book 9cm x 9cm.

By the Rivers of Babylon - Michael D. O'Brien (Hardcover)

By the Rivers of Babylon - Michael D. O'Brien (Hardcover)

From one of the most compelling and widely read Catholic authors of our generation, Michael O'Brien, 'By the Rivers of Babylon' offers the reader an exacting and intimate glimpse into the mind and heart of Ezekiel - a visionary who served as a child in the Temple before being enslaved during the Babylonian captivity. In this must read and unique account, O'Brien vividly presents the life of the Old Testament prophet who stands amidst the Jewish exiles.  This moving epic reimagines the life of him whose mission it would be to rally God's people from certain destruction as they toil to build a town of their own and struggle without the Temple to remain faithful to God - whose faithfulness endures forever. Size: 14.2cm x 21.3cm, 391 pp, hardcover.

Consoling the Heart of Jesus: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat Inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Book - Michael E. Gaitley

Consoling the Heart of Jesus: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat Inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Book - Michael E. Gaitley

Highly recommended! Consoling the Heart of Jesus by '33 days to Morning Glory' author, Fr. Michael Gaitley MIC, is a do-it-yourself retreat combining the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with the teachings of Sts. Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Louis de Montfort. Father Gaitley has a remarkable gift for inspiring little souls to trust in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. As Danielle Bean, publisher and editor-in-chief of Catholic Digest, puts it, "The voice of Christ in these pages is one that even this hopelessly distracted wife and mother of eight could hear and respond to." 428 pages

Meet Your Spiritual Father: A Brief Introduction to St Joseph - Dr. Mark Miravalle

Meet Your Spiritual Father: A Brief Introduction to St Joseph - Dr. Mark Miravalle

Meet the man who raised the Son of God and discover the role he wants to play in our life. With down-to-earth practical wisdom and sublime insights, Dr. Mark Miravalle lifts the veil that has shrouded this glorious patriarch for centuries, revealing the treasures and benefits of having an intimate relationship with the virginal father of the Son of God. Those who read Meet Your Spiritual Father will find priceless treasures not only in this easy-to-read book but also in having St. Joseph as their spiritual father. 156 pages

Meet Your Mother: A Brief Introduction to Mary - Dr. Mark Miravalle

Meet Your Mother: A Brief Introduction to Mary - Dr. Mark Miravalle

Dr. Mark Miravalle is a world renowned theologian with expertise in Marian teaching. A highly recommended book! Ever wonder why so many people pay so much attention to Mary, the Mother of Jesus? From the most ancient traditions of Mary in Christianity to the 'Hail Mary' pass in American football, the Mother of Jesus has pervaded most world cultures for the last two thousand years. But could the Mother of Jesus also be your mother? That's the question explored in the exciting new book, Meet Your Mother. This easy-read pocket book on Mary covers all the major teachings about the Mother of Jesus, but is particularly written for the person who has little or no background knowledge about her. Authored by Dr. Mark Miravalle, renowned Marian expert and professor who has taught and written about Mary for over 25 years, Meet Your Mother is the perfect little book to introduce someone to the life and truth about Jesus' Mother, but also to renew a person's existing knowledge and love for the woman believed to have brought Jesus into the world, and who Jesus gave personally to every human being with his dying words, 'This is your mother.'

Fatima for Today: The Urgent Marian Message of Hope - Fr Andrew Apostoli

Fatima for Today: The Urgent Marian Message of Hope - Fr Andrew Apostoli

Our Lady of Fatima's call to prayer and penance for the salvation of souls and peace in the world is as relevant now as when first delivered to the three Portuguese seers, Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia, in 1917. In this superb and updated book, the late Father Andrew Apostoli carefully analyses the events that took place in Fatima and clears up lingering questions and doubts about their meaning. He also challenges the reader to hear anew the call of Our Lady to prayer and sacrifice, for the world is ever in need of generous hearts willing to make reparation for those in danger of losing their way to God. At the peak of the First World War, Our Lady warned of another worldwide conflict, the rise and spread of Communism, and a terrible persecution of the Church unless people repented of their sins and returned to God. She also requested devotion to her Immaculate Heart and a special consecration of Russia. Much of what Our Lady of Fatima said was revealed soon after her appearances, but the third and final secret, which was not a message but a prophetic vision seen by the children, was not unveiled by the Vatican until 2000. Saint Pope John Paul II, who read the third secret while recovering from the attempt upon his life in 1981, believed the vision signified the sufferings the Church had endured in the twentieth century. Because of the prophetic nature of her messages, Our Lady of Fatima has been the subject of much controversy and speculation. 205 pages About the Author: Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R., a founding member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, has been teaching and preaching retreats and parish missions for several decades. He is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on the apparitions at Fatima. He is the author of numerous books, including Following Mary to Jesus and Walk Humbly with Your God. Fr. Apostoli is the vice-postulator for the cause of the canonization of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. A frequent host on EWTN, he hosted the TV special “Our Lady of Fatima and the First Saturday Devotion”.

Theology of the Body in One Hour - Jason Evert

Theology of the Body in One Hour - Jason Evert

An absolute must have read for all parents and every family home! Today's sexual confusion is not caused because the world glorifies sexuality, but because the world fails to see its glory. Through his Theology of the Body, Saint Pope John Paul II unveiled the beauty of God's plan for human love, sexual complementarity, and the fundamental meaning of the human person - to be a gift! This jam packed 144-page jewel of a book is one of the best introductory works to the Theology of the Body on the market today. With Jason Evert as the expert guide, discover how the human body in its masculinity and femininity reveals who we are and how we are called to live and love!

Blessed is She Catholic Journaling Bible NAB

Blessed is She Catholic Journaling Bible NAB

The Catholic Journaling Bible designed by 'Blessed is She' and published by Our Sunday Visitor is the one women the world over have all been waiting for! The first ever, full Catholic Journaling Bible (NAB-RE), it includes wide margins (just over 5cm) with lines for note taking, endnotes and footnotes, an easy to read one column format, and hand-lettered verses for each book. The linen cover will last you for years to come. Size: The Bible is 23cm x 16cm.

Didache RSV Bible Hardcover

Didache RSV Bible Hardcover

The Didache Bible uses a most precise literal translation of Sacred Scripture (RSV) whilst presenting at the same time, a comprehensive and trustworthy commentary for each book of the Holy Bible. This commentary is drawn from the Fathers of the Church, papal encyclicals, and quite uniquely, the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). In this latter regard and so very helpfully, links to the CCC can be found on each page of the Sacred text. The Didache Bible also includes numerous apologetical inserts throughout the body of Scripture to assist the reader in understanding the Church’s teachings on numerous issues ranging from the Church's teaching on Purgatory to contemporary issues such as contraception. The publishers of The Didache Bible, Midwest Theological Forum, set out to fill a need for a Catholic edition of Sacred Scripture with explanatory and apologetical commentaries based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The publication of the Didache Bible, based on these principles, fulfills the desire of Pope St. John Paul II as expressed in his Apostolic Constitution Fidei Depositum: The Catechism of the Catholic Church . . . is a statement of the Church’s faith and of catholic doctrine, attested to or illumined by Sacred Scripture, the Apostolic Tradition and the Church’s Magisterium. I declare it to be a sure norm for teaching the faith. (no. IV) The Didache Bible is a valuable resource for teachers, catechists, high school students and those participating in Scripture studies. In short, it is ideal for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and where it remains most accessible by all Catholics despite it's high level of scriptural scholarship. The Didache Bible includes: 27 full-color biblical maps including the journeys of Christ throughout Judea and the travels of St Paul as found in Acts and in his Letters; more than 100 apologetical explanations that help to answer common questions about the faith; and a comprehensive 43-page glossary and a topical index.

Persecuted and Forgotten 2020-2022 Executive Summary A5

Persecuted and Forgotten 2020-2022 Executive Summary A5

More than most people, Christians around the world are persecuted and harassed more than any other faith. Supporting those brothers and sisters is one of the key areas of the work of Aid to the Church in Need. As part of our mission, every two years ACN produces a comprehensive report on the current situation for Christians entitled 'Persecuted and Forgotten'. The 2020-2022 executive summary makes for sobering reading. Priests are killed, the faithful are kidnapped, Christian women are raped and forced to deny their faith, churches are desecrated, and whole communities are forced to flee. The report examines the terrible situation in 24 countries where ACN has found evidence of serious religious freedom violations. Why issue such a report? Because we must break the silence, we must inform ourselves and inform those around us, we have to do all we can to ensure that they are not forgotten.

Deliverance Prayers for use by the Laity

Deliverance Prayers for use by the Laity

Prayers for use by the laity in waging spiritual warfare from the public domain and the Church’s treasury. The book has an imprimatur from the Archbishop of Denver, Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila S.T.L May 23, 2018 Throughout the history of the Church, various saints and even the Church herself have provided the laity with means of combatting the demons that afflict their lives. The St Michael prayer in its short form provides a good example of this prayerful assistance in this regard. In this book, Fr Chad Ripperger PHD, has collated a most helpful collection of prayers which can be recited by the laity and which fall under the approbation and authority of the Church.

Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2020-2022

Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2020-2022

The 2022 edition of 'Persecuted and Forgotten?' is a report on the status of Christians oppressed for their faith throughout the world and is broken down with key findings presented on a regional basis.

Items per page
12 | 24 | 48